Millburn House Move (2008)
April 10th
A view from the east side of the main hall. NMR magnets will go on the left, EPR magnets on the right.
From the west side of the main hall you can see where the DNP magnets will be placed on the left.
The 600 MHz magnet will be placed in the centre of this picture, taken from the DNP area.
NMR and EPR postgraduate workspace.
One of the soundproof "pods" where the spectrometer controlling computers will be placed.
The back entrance to Millburn House, an extension to the original building housing the air handling, a lift and stairs.
Another view of a "pod," now with desks and people!
The 500 MHz wide-bore magnet gets hoisted into position.
The 500 MHz magnet being filled with liquid nitrogen. In the background is chemistry's 600 MHz magnet.
Bruker's Avance III console for the 500 MHz magnet, which has special coils fitted to observe physical diffusion.
The end of the energiser rod that will eventually charge the 500 MHz magnet's main coil to 130 Amps.
Filling the 500 MHz magnet with liquid helium.
The 500 MHz magnet fulled cooled and ready to be energised.
Moving a liquid nitrogen container over from the main physics building.
It is carefully hoisted into position.
In position and ready to be bolted to the ground.
May 1st Update
EPR move their equipment into the main hall.
Boxes waiting to be unpacked in the main hall.
The 500 MHz magnet is now fully energised and ready for shimming once the field strength has stablised.
A view from the corner where the DNP magnets will be placed.
June 6th Update
The 600 MHz and 300 MHz super-wide bore in position.
Rich takes his place in the new offices.
June 20th Update
The old 600 MHz cryomagnet is de-energised and cryogens boiled off. The can is still very cold and condensation occurs.
More condensation is found underneath the magnet, along with frosty shims!
500 MHz on the left, 620 MHz on the right - both at field.
Eugeny and Andy worked hard to fill with 300 MHz ultra-wide bore with helium in record time.
Vast helium boil-off as the chamber gets full and the helium starts collecting. The wire inside in now superconducting.
The 620 MHz was energised without a problem, and the stray field pervades one of the pods!
Kevin inside a pod, demonstrating the magnetic field is strong enough to magnetise two coins so they hold together.
From the EPR end, looking towards the other pod and space where other magnets should be moving to very soon.
July 8th Update
Computers and lab equipment are packed up for the move.
The spectrometer consoles and boxes are loaded into the lorry and taken off to Millburn House.
We have over 60 probes that required boxing, labelling and moving.
All the probes, some crates and other remaining lab equipment get loaded.
Spectrometer consoles, crates, lab equipment, computers. It is all unloaded in the main hall.
The 300 MHz Infinity-Plus and 360 MHz are in place and being cooled.
September 2nd Update
Fish-eye view from the DNP gantry.
Andy checking the DNP magnet's temperature during a fill.
November 18th Update
"New" 400 MHz being cooled down.
View from the 600 MHz magnet of the 400 and 500 instruments.
Magnex PSU for charging the 600.
Professor Mark Smith giving tours of the DNP area on the open day.