Posters from the IEEE SOFE23
Posters presented at the 30th IEEE Symposium of Fusion Engineering (SOFE 2023)
1.5 MeV Proton and 60Co gamma irradiation of cWC and RSB materials was performed in 2022 at the Dalton Cumbria Facility. This is the first time that both cWC and RSB materials have been irradiated using either of these methods.
This work investigates the radiation response of cWC at different depths from the incident face (IF) of the sample using electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM).
While polishing-induced stress is considerable, all irradiated samples showed significant degradation of pattern quality relative to control cWC. Temperature at irradiation was observed to be as significant a variable as the type of radiation. The most significant radiation-induced damage was observed in 410K proton irradiated and 90 kGy 77K gamma irradiated sample