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David Leadley

Research interests

David Leadley has worked on the optical and electronic properties of both Group IV and III-V semiconductor heterostructures for some 35 years, using an understanding of the underlying physics to improve material and device performance. Currently he is interested in the SiGe based system and particularly using Ge for advanced CMOS and beyond CMOS applications in electronics, photonics, spintronics, photovoltaics and thermoelectrics. He has been involved in many collaborative projects and played a major role in setting up and running the European SiNANO Network.

Key Words

Physics of low dimensional semiconductor structures; silicon technology; epitaxial growth; electronic and optical properties of semiconductors; spintronics; thermoelectrics; silicon photonics; SiGe; GaAs; fractional quantum Hall effect; Skyrmions and composite Fermions.


Click above for selected papers, or see them at the Warwick Archive WRAP

TEACHING, admin etc.

Undergraduate modules currently being given include:

PX446 Condensed Matter II - Optical Properties of Materials

PX384 Electrodynamics

Previously taught modules include:

Weather and the Environment; Electromagnetic Waves; Matter; 3rd year MPhys Laboratory

David was Head of the Department of Physics from 2015 to 2021, and since 2020 is Deputy Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Research, with responsibilities for research infrastructure, ethics and governance.

Write to:

Department of Physics,
University of Warwick,
Coventry, CV4 7AL

Contact Details:

Office: P550
44 (0)2476524114
44 (0)2476692016


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