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Matteo Borghi

Current Research:

Van der Waal stuctures are fabricated by layering 2D materials on top of each other, much like Lego. However, this introduces a new degree of freedom: twist angle. It has been shown that twist angle can have important effects on the properties of the structure. For example magic angle twisted bilayer graphene can be a Mott insulator or a superconductor depending on its carrier density, but only at the magic angle [1]. For a group of semiconducting 2D materials called transition metal dichalcogenides, the twist angle is predicted to result in single photon emitters [2]. These emitters have a variety of applications, particularly to quantum communication and quantum computing [3,4]. My project is to isolate the emitters from eachother, such that only one emitter actually emits when the Van der Waal structure is excited with a laser.

[1] Xie, Y., Lian, B., Jäck, B. et al. Nature 572, 101–105 (2019).

[2] Yu, H. et al. Science Advances, 3(11), p. e1701696 (2017).

[3] Kok, P. et al. Reviews of Modern Physics. APS, 79(1), p. 135 (2007).

[4] Alléaume, R. et al. New Journal of Physics. IOP Publishing, 6, pp. 92–92 (2004)

Research Images:

An encapsulated heterostructure made of WSe2 and WS2.

An early attempt to laterally confine the heterostructure.


I studied my MSci at King's College London, where my third year project was on computationally modelling supersonic flow, while my Masters project was a DFT investigation into the properties of thin film perovskite materials. This last project developed my interest in low dimensional materials, particularly applications to the electronics industry and quantum technology.


Contact Details:


Office- MAS3.09