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Saffron Tyler

Current Research:

The nitrogen-vacancy (NV) centre, a point defect in diamond, has been a source of interest for many years owing to its spin-conserving single photon emission1, allowing for the read out of individual spins. It therefore has possible applications in quantum technologies as, for example, a qubit or quantum sensor. However, only 4% of the photons emitted from the NV centre is coherent with the spin state. So other point defects, such as the silicon-vacancy (SiV) centre (from which 70% of emitted photons are coherent with the spin state2), have since been investigated as an alternative.

The aim of my work is to investigate and demonstrate active charge state control of colour centres in diamond; specifically group IV-vacancy defects. This involves optically and electrically controlling the flow of charge carriers, and therefore the local Fermi level, in order to choose the charge state of specific defects.

Metal electrodes on diamond surface

Fig 1: Metal electrodes and microwave wires deposited on the surface of a diamond using photolithography.


Fig 2: Electrodes after wirebonding to a PCB.

[1] S. Johnson, et al. Tunable cavity coupling of the zero phonon line of a nitrogen-vacancy defect in diamond. New J. Phys., 17, 2015.
[2] C. Bradac, et al. Quantum nanophotonics with group iv defects in diamond. Nat Commun., 11(1), 2019.


I have presented my work at the following conferences:

UK Diamond Research Conference - 2023
Hasselt Diamond Workshop SBDD XXVII - 2023


I am currently a demonstrator in the 3rd year undergraduate physics laboratory, focusing specifically on the optical pumping experiment which allows for the investigation of the hyperfine structure of rubidium isotopes.

My Background:

I graduated with an MPhys degree from the University of Leicester in 2021. My 3rd year research project involved modelling a voltage through graphene in C. In my 4th year research I used the DFT modelling program QuantumEspresso to explore the electronic structure and mechanical properties of a theoretical carbon allotrope called pentadiamond. I also applied a similar model to hypothesise its silicon counterpart, pentasilicon.

Contact Details:

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Office - G50, Millburn House