Exotic meson spectroscopy at LHCb
Date: 10 December 2014, Seminar at Birmingham University. -
Exotic meson spectroscopy at LHCb
Date: 28 October 2014, Seminar at Oxford University. -
Exotic meson spectroscopy at LHCb
Date: 16 October 2014, Seminar at Warwick University. -
Hadron spectroscopy at LHCb
Date: 02 Aug 2014, 3rd International Conference on New Frontiers in Physics, Kolymbari, Greece -
Exotic meson spectroscopy at LHCb
Date: 10 July 2014, Seminar at KIT Karlsruhe, Germany. -
Exotic meson studies at LHCb
Date: 30 May 2014, 13th International Workshop on Meson Production, Properties and Interaction KRAKÓW, POLAND -
Latest results in rare decays at LHCb
Date: 20 May 2014, 26th Rencontres de Blois, Blois, France.
Meson spectroscopy at LHCb
Date: 23 July 2013, International Workshop on Hadron Structure and Spectroscopy, Erlangen, Germany. -
Electroweak penguins with di-leptons
Date: 15 July 2013, Seminar at University Siegen, Germany. -
Electroweak penguins with di-leptons
Date: 9 April 2013, 14th International Conference on B-Physics at Hadron Machines, Bologna, Italy.
Overview of spectroscopy results at the Tevatron and the B Factories
Date: 28 April 2011, Workshop "Physics at LHCb", Bad Honnef, Germany. -
Tevatron results with focus on A_sl
Date: 26 April 2011, Workshop "Physics at LHCb", Bad Honnef, Germany.
B physics at hadron colliders
Date: 12 April 2011, Workshop “The Role of Heavy Fermions in Fundamental Physics”, Portoroz, Slovenia.
Measurement of CP Violation in Bs → J/ψ ϕ at CDF
Date: 18 March 2011, Seminar, Lancaster University.
Measurement of CP Violation in Bs → J/ψ ϕ at CDF
Date: 24 November 2010, Seminar, Imperial College London.
Measurement of CP Violation in Bs → J/ψ ϕ at CDF
Date: 17 November 2010, Seminar, Birmingham University.
Measurement of CP Violation in Bs → J/ψ ϕ at CDF
Date: 21 September 2010, Joint EP/PP seminar at CERN.
Summary of WG4: ''Lifetime, mixing and weak mixing phase in charm and beauty, including direct determination of Vtx''
Date: 10 September 2010. WG summary talk in plenary session at the 6th International Workshop on the CKM Unitarity Triangle University of Warwick, United Kingdom. -
Measurement of Bs mixing phase at CDF
Date: 7 September 2010. Parallel talk at the 6th International Workshop on the CKM Unitarity Triangle University of Warwick, United Kingdom. -
Neural networks in data analysis.
Date: 11 Aug 2010, Seminar, University of Warwick, Coventry, UK -
B physics at CDF
Date: 24 June 2010, Seminar, Wuppertal University, Germany
The physics of b-hadrons provides important tool for our understanding of the particle physics. Its main interest is in study of transitions between quarks of different flavors. After the confirmation of Kobayashi and Maskawa mechanism of CP violation in the standard model focus shifted towards search for indirect effects of physics beyond standard model. One of the most important measurements in these days is the measurement of CP violation in Bs → J/ψ ϕ decays. Using this measurement as example we will discuss both physics of the Bs mixing and CP violation as well as experimental techniques used by the CDF experiment in studies of hadrons containing b quark. -
B physics (Experiment)
Date: 11 June 2010, Plenary talk at Physics at LHC 2010, DESY, Hamburg, Germany -
Search for CP violation in Bs system quest for new physics
Date: 11 May 2010, Seminar, University of Warwick, Coventry, UK -
Heavy quark hadron spectroscopy at CDF
11 December 2009, Physikalisches Kolloquium, KIT, Karlsruhe, Germany
Flavour Physics at the CDF and D0 Experiments.
Date: 16 September 2009, Lecture at FlaviaNet School on Flavour Physics, Karlsruhe, Germany. -
Tevatron Experimental Issues at High Luminosities.
Date: 7-11 September 2009, 12th International Conference on B-Physics at Hadron Machines (Beauty 2009), Heidelberg, Germany. -
Charmonium Spectroscopy (X,Y,Z) at the B Factories.
Date: 7-11 September 2009, 12th International Conference on B-Physics at Hadron Machines (Beauty 2009), Heidelberg, Germany. -
Neural networks in data analysis.
Date: 6 June 2009, Lecture at ISAPP Summer Institute 2009 at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Karlsruhe, Germany -
B physics at Tevatron.
Date:6-10 July 2009, 15th International Symposium on Particles Strings and Cosmology (PASCOS 2009), Hamburg, Germany. -
CP violation in the B_s sector at CDF.
Date: 29. June 2009, The 2009 France Korea Laboratory for Particle Physics (FKPPL) CDF Workshop, Paris, France. -
News from the Tevatron.
Date: 16-18 Mar 2009, The 2nd general meeting of Working group on the Interplay of Collider and Flavour Physics, CERN, Switzerland.
Search for new physics in Bs mixing at Tevatron, CP violation in Bs → J/ψϕ
Date: 3 June 2008, University Dortmund, Germany
The standard model CKM mechanism of CP violation is extremely successful in describing large number of experimental results in the B+ and B0 system. With recent measurement of the Bs mixing frequency the available space for a possible new physics beyond standard model was further decreased. Last place where large effect of new physics can possibly show up is the CP violating phase of Bs oscillation, which is unconstrained by the Bs mixing frequency measurement. In this presentation I will review recent measurements of decay width difference of the Bs mass eigenstates and bounds on CP violation phase of Bs oscillation using Bs → J/ψϕ decays from Tevatron experiments. -
Direct CP violation in B decays
Date: 5-9 May 2008, Conference: 6th Flavor Physics and CP Violation Conference (FPCP 2008), Taipei, Taiwan
We review recent experimental results on direct CP violation. Hot topic is measurement in charmless two-body decays of B0, B+. In connection to this first measurements in Bs and Lambda_b decays is now available. Furthermore first evidence for direct CP violation in B+ decays is obtained from Dalitz plot analyses of K+pi-pi+ final state. Last group of discussed results probes b → c cbar d transition.
D and B meson spectroscopy, new states, baryons at the Tevatron
Date: 8-13 Oct 2007, Conference: 12th International Conference on Hadron Spectroscopy (Hadron 07), Frascati, Italy
We review recent results in heavy quark hadron spectroscopy at the Tevatron. With increasing data samples the Tevatron experiments start to uncover information on the b-hadrons. Most important are the first observations of the narrow Bs** as well as Sigma_b, Sigma_b* and Xi_b- baryons. In addition we present updated results on the narrow B** and Bc mesons. -
Branching Fractions and Direct CP Asymmetries of Charmless B Decay Modes at CDF
Date: 26 Jul - 1 Aug 2007, Conference: 15th International Conference on Supersymmetry and the Unification of Fundamental Interactions (SUSY07), Karlsruhe, Germany
We present new CDF results on the branching fractions and time-integrated direct CP asymmetries for B0 and B0s decay modes into pairs of charmless charged hadrons (pions or kaons). The data-set for this update amounts to 1 fb-1 of p\bar p collisions at a center of mass energy 1.96 TeV. We report the first observation of the Bs \to K- pi+ mode and a measurement of its branching fraction and direct CP asymmetry. We also observe for the first time two charmless decays of the Lambda_b0-baryon: Lambda_b0 \to p\pi- and Lambda_b0 \to pK-. -
New heavy quark baryons
Date: 12-16 May 2007, Conference: 5th Flavor Physics and CP Violation Conference (FPCP 2007), Bled, Slovenia
During the past year many interesting results were published in heavy quark baryon spectroscopy. In addition to several refined measurements, new states were directly observed both in the charm and the bottom sector. In this paper we review recent results on heavy quark baryons from B-factories and Tevatron experiments.
New results on X(3872) from CDF
Date: 26 Jul - 2 Aug 2006, Conference: 33rd International Conference on High Energy Physics (ICHEP 06), Moscow, Russia
In 2003 the X(3872) particle was discovered by the Belle collaboration. Despite results collected since then, the nature of the state still remains unclear. In this contribution we report on new results on properties of the X(3872) state using data collected with CDF II detector at the Fermilab Tevatron. The dipion mass spectrum and angular distributions are used to determine the $J^{PC}$ quantum numbers of the state.