PlumX |
"Large-Angle Convergent-Beam Electron Diffraction Patterns via Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks" J. J. Webb, R. B. Beanland, R. A. Römer submitted to Ultramicroscopy, (2025) [PDF] |
"Machine learning of phases and structures for model systems in physics" D. Bayo, B. Çivitcioğlu, J. J. Webb, A. Honecker, R. A. Römer J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 94, 031002, Special Topics [Machine Learning Physics], (2025) [PDF] |
PlumX |
"Spectral and Entanglement Properties of the Random Exchange Heisenberg Chain" Y. Gao, R. A. Römer accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. B, (2025) [PDF] |
"Real-space renormalisation approach to the Chalker-Coddington model revisited: improved statistics" S. Shaw, R. A. Römer Physica E 165, 116073 (2025) [PDF] |
PlumX |
"Phase determination with and without deep learning" B. Civitcioglou, R. A. Römer, A. Honecker Phys. Rev. E 111, 024131 (2025) [PDF] |
"Quantum engineering for compactly localized states in disordered Lieb lattices" C. Danieli, J. Liu, R. A. Römer Eur. Phys. J. B 97, 128 (2024) [PDF] |
"The percolating cluster is invisible to image recognition with deep learning" D. Bayo, A. Honecker, R. A. Römer New J. Phys. 25(11), 113041 (2023) [PDF] |
"Maximal Anderson Localization and Suppression of Surface Plasmons in Two-Dimensional Random Au Networks" J. Schultz, K. Hiekel, P. Potapov, R. A. Römer, P. Khavlyuk, A. Eychmüller, A. Lubk Phys. Rev. Research 6, 033221 (2024) [PDF] |
"Unconventional delocalization in a family of 3D Lieb lattices" J. Liu, C. Danieli, J. Zhong, R. A. Römer Phys. Rev. B 106, 214204 (2022) [PDF] |
"Numerical methods for localization" R. A. Römer Encyclopedia for Condensed Matter Physics (2nd edition), vol. 3, 212-219 (2023) [PDF] |
"Machine learning the 2D percolation model" D. Bayo, A. Honecker, R. A. Römer J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 2207 012057 (2022) [PDF] |
"Machine Learning the Square-Lattice Ising Model" B. Civitcioglu, R. A. Römer, A. Honecker J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 2207 012058 (2022) [PDF] |
PlumX |
"Characterizing flexibility and mobility in the natural mutations of the SARS-CoV-2 spikes" J. Panayis, N. S. Römer, D. Bellini, A. K. Wallis, R. A. Römer J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 2207 012016 (2022) [PDF, News] |
[189] |
"The GOE ensemble for quasiperiodic tilings without unfolding: r-value statistics" U. Grimm, R. A. Römer Phys. Rev. B 104(6), L060201 (2021) [PDF, Dataset] |
[188] |
"Quench dynamics of quasi-periodic systems as Rabi oscillations of two-level integrals of motion" L. Benini, P. Naldesi, R. A. Römer, T. Roscilde Annals of Physics 435, 168545 (2021) |
[187] |
"The microscopic picture of the integer quantum Hall regime" R. A. Römer, J. Oswald Annals of Physics 435, 168541 (2021) [PDF] |
[186] |
"Localization properties in Lieb lattices and their extensions" J. Liu, X. Mao, J. Zhong, R. A. Römer Annals of Physics 435, 168544 (2021) [PDF] |
[185] |
"A new electron diffraction approach for structure refinement applied to Ca3Mn2O" R. Beanland, K. Smith, P. Vanek, H. Zhang, A. Hubert, K. Evans, R. A. Römer, S. Kamba Acta Cryst. A 77, 196-207 (2021) |
[184] |
"Loschmidt echo singularities as dynamical signatures of strongly localized phases" L. Benini, P. Naldesi, R. A. Römer, T. Roscilde New Journal of Physics 23, 023030 (2021) [PDF, Dataset] |
"Flexibility and mobility of SARS-CoV-2-related protein structures" R. A. Römer, N. S. Römer, A. K. Wallis Sci. Rep. 11, 4257 (2021) [PDF, Dataset, selected videos, press release] |
[182] |
"Localization, phases and transitions in the three-dimensional extended Lieb lattices" J. Liu, X. Mao, J. Zhong, R. A. Römer, Phys. Rev. B 102, 174207 (2020) [PDF] |
[181] |
"Few-Layer β-SnSe with Strong Visible Light Absorbance and Ultrahigh Carrier Mobility" Z. Li, J. Li, C. He, T. Ouyang, C. Zhang, S. Zhang, C. Tang, R. A. Römer, J. Zhong Phys. Rev. Applied 13, 014042 (2020)
[180] |
"Disorder effects in the two-dimensional Lieb lattice and its extensions" X. Mao, J. Liu, J. Zhong, R. A. Römer, Physica E 124, 114340 (2020) [PDF] |
[179] |
"Microscopic details of stripes and bubbles in the quantum Hall regime" J. Oswald, R. A. Römer Phys. Rev. B 102, 121305(R) (2020) [PDF, Dataset] |
[178] |
"Spin-selective Aharonov-Casher caging in a topological quantum network" A. Mukherjee, R. A. Römer, A. Chakrabarti Phys. Rev. B 100, 161108(R) (2019) [PDF] |
[177] |
"A type of robust superlattice type-I Weyl semimetals with four Weyl nodes" L.J. Meng, J. Wu, J. Zhong, R. A. Römer, Nanoscale 11, 18358-66 (2019)
[176] |
"Ge3P2: New Viable Two-Dimensional Semiconductors with Ultrahigh Carrier Mobility" Q. Li, X. Shi, C. He, J. Li, T. Ouyang, C. Zhang, C. Tang, R. A. Römer, J. Zhong Applied Surface Science 497, 143803 (2019)
[175] |
"Multifractality of ab initio wave functions in doped semiconductors" E. G. Carnio, N. D. M. Hine, R. A. Römer Physica E 111, 141-147 (2019) [PDF] |
[174] |
"Structure refinement from ‘Digital’ Large Angle Convergent Beam Electron Diffraction Patterns" A. Hubert, R. A. Römer, R. Beanland Ultramicroscopy 198, 1-9 (2019) [PDF, Dataset] |
[173] |
"Spin-polarized localization in a magnetized chain" L. Benini, A. Mukherjee, A. Chakrabarti, R. A. Römer Sci. Rep. 9, 5930-12 (2019) [PDF] |
[172] |
"Flux driven and geometry controlled spin filtering for arbitrary spins in aperiodic quantum networks" A. Mukherjee, A. Chakrabarti, R. A. Römer Phys. Rev. B 98, 075415-7 (2018) [PDF] |
[171]PlumX |
"Dispersion map induced energy transfer between solitons in optical fibres" A. Savojardo, M. Eberhard, R. A. Römer ArXiv:Optics:1710.07155 (2017) [PDF] |
[170] |
"Touching proteins with virtual bare hands: how to visualize protein-drug complexes and their dynamics in virtual reality" E. Martins Ratamero, D. Bellini, C. Dowson, R. A. Römer Journal of Computer-Aided Molecular Design 32(6), 703-709 (2018) [PDF, Dataset] |
[169] |
"Resolution of the "exponent puzzle" for the Anderson transition in doped semiconductors" E. G. Carnio, N. D. M. Hine, R. A. Römer Phys. Rev. B 99, 081201(R) (2019) [PDF, Dataset] |
[168] |
"Lattice thermal conductivity of graphene nanostructures" M. Saiz-Bretin, A. V. Malyshev, F. Dominguez-Adame, D. Quigley, R. A. Römer Carbon 127, 64-69 (2018) |
[167] |
"Manifestation of many-body interactions in the integer quantum Hall effect regime" J. Oswald, R. A. Römer Phys. Rev. B 96, 125128 (2017) [PDF, Dataset] |
[166] |
"Spin-polarized electric current in silicene nanoribbons induced by atomic adsorption" C. Nunez, P. A. Orellana, L. Rosales, R. A. Römer, F. Dominguez-Adame Phys. Rev. B, 96, 045403 (2017) [PDF] |
[165] |
"'Something in the way she moves': the functional significance of flexibility in the multiple roles of protein disulfide isomerase (PDI)" R. B. Freedman, J. L. Desmond, L. J. Byrne, J. W. Heal, M. J. Howard, N. Sanghera, K. L. Walker, K. Wallis, S. A. Wells, R. A. Williamson, R. A. Römer Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-Proteins and Proteomics 1865, 1383-94 (2017) [Dataset] |
[164] |
"New allotropes of phosphorene with remarkable stability and intrinsic piezoelectricity" Z. Li, C. He, T. Ouyang, C. Zhang, C. Tang, R. A. Römer, J. Zhong Phys. Rev. Applied 9, 044032 (2018) [PDF] |
[163] |
"Exchange-mediated dynamic screening in the integer quantum Hall effect regime" J. Oswald, R. A. Römer EPL 117, 57009-5 (2017) [PDF, Dataset, spin-up movie, spin-down movie, chemical potential] |
[162] |
"Rogue wave generation due to inelastic quasi-soliton collisions in optical fibres" M. Eberhard, A. Savojardo, A. Maruta, R. A. Römer Opt. Express 25(23), 28086-28099 (2017) [PDF, Dataset] |
[161] |
"Non-equilibrium transport through a disordered molecular nanowire" P. Thiessen, E. Diaz, R. A. Römer, F. Dominguez-Adame Phys. Rev. B 95, 195431 (2017) [PDF] |
[160] |
"Spin filter for arbitrary spins by substrate engineering" B. Pal, R. A. Römer, A. Chakrabarti J. Phys. Cond. Mat. 28, 335301 (2016) [PDF] |
[159] |
"Higher order local and nonlocal correlations for 1D strongly interacting Bose gas" EJKP Nandani, R. A. Römer, S. Tan, X.-W. Guan New J. Phys. 18, 055014 (2016) [PDF, Video] |
[158] |
"Silicene-based spin-filter device: Impact of random vacancies" C. Nunez, F. Dominguez-Adame, P. A. Orellana, L. Rosales, R. A. Römer 2D Mat. 3, 025006 (2016) |
[157] |
"Dimensionless ratios: characteristics of quantum liquids and their phase transitions" Y-C. Yu, Y.-Y. Chen, H.-Q. Lin, R. A. Römer, X.-W. Guan Phys. Rev. B 94, 195129 (2016) [PDF] |
[156] |
"Imaging of Condensed Quantum States in the Quantum Hall Effect Regime" J. Oswald, R. A. Römer Physics Procedia (Proceedings of ICM) 75, 314-325 (2015) [PDF] |
[155] |
"Using entanglement to discern phases in the disordered one-dimensional Bose-Hubbard model" A. M. Goldsborough, R. A. Römer EPL 111, 26004-6 (2015) [PDF, Dataset, Code] selected for EPL's highlight-of-2015 collection (under "Condensed Matter: structural, ..."). |
[154]PlumX |
"Leaf-to-leaf distances in ordered Catalan tree graphs" A. M. Goldsborough, J. M. Fellows, M. Bates, S. A. Rautu, G. Rowlands, R. A. Römer Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics: Advances and Applications 20, 1-29 (2019) [PDF] |
[153] |
"Does Deamidation Cause Protein Unfolding? A Top-Down Tandem Mass Spectrometry Study" A. J. Soulby, J. Heal, M. P. Barrow, R. A. Römer, P. B. O'Connor Protein Sci. 24, 850-860 (2015) [PDF] |
[152] |
"Characterization of Folding Cores in the Cyclophilin A-Cyclosporin A Complex" J. Heal, S. A. Wells, C. A. Blindauer, R. B. Freedman, R. A. Römer Biophys. J. 108, 1739-1746 (2015) [PDF1, Wordle1, PDF2, Wordle2] |
[151]PlumX |
"Disordered Systems - a general introduction" R. A. Römer EPL compilation (2013/14) [PDF, Wordle] |
[150] |
"Leaf-to-leaf distances and their moments in finite and infinite m-ary tree graphs" A. M. Goldsborough, S. A. Rautu, R. A. Römer Phys. Rev. E 91, 042133-9 (2015) [PDF, Wordle] |
[149] |
"Self-assembling tensor networks and holography in disordered spin chains" A. M. Goldsborough, R. A. Römer Phys. Rev. B 89, 214203-11 (2014) [PDF] see also Tensor Networks and Geometry for the Modelling of Disordered Quantum Many-Body Systems, Newsletter of the IOP Computational Physics Group |
[148] |
"Localisation and finite-size effects in graphene flakes" C. Gonzalez-Santander, F. Dominguez-Adame, M. Hilke, R. A. Römer EPL 104, 17012-6 (2013) [PDF, Wordle] |
[147] |
"The dynamics and flexibility of protein disulphide-isomerase (PDI): predictions of experimentally-observed domain motions" R. A. Römer, S. A. Wells, J. E. Jimenez-Roldan, M. Bhattacharyya, S. Vishweshwara and R. B. Freedman Proteins: Structure, Function and Bioinformatics 84, 1776-1785 (2016) [PDF] |
[146] |
"Digital Electron Diffraction - Seeing the Whole Picture" R. Beanland, P. J. Thomas, D. I. Woodward, P. A. Thomas, R. A. Römer Acta Crystallographica A69, 427-434 (2013) [PDF] |
[145] |
"Controlled engineering of extended states in disordered systems" A. Rodriguez, A. Chakrabarti, R. A. Römer Phys. Rev. B 86, 085119-12 (2012) [gzipped Postscript, PDF] |
[144] |
"Robust signatures in the current-voltage characteristics of DNA molecules oriented between two graphene nanoribbon electrodes" C. Paez, P. Schulz, N. Wilson, R. A. Römer New J. Phys.14, 093049-17 (2012) [gzipped Postscript, PDF] |
[143] |
"Localization-delocalization transition for disordered cubic harmonic lattices" S. D. Pinski, W. Schirmacher, T. Whall, R. A. Römer J. Phys. Cond. Mat. 24, 405401-12 (2012) [gzipped Postscript, PDF] |
[142] |
"Protein Flexibility is Key to Cisplatin Crosslinking in Calmodulin" H. Li, S. A. Wells, J. E. Jimenez-Roldan, R. A. Römer, Y. Zhao, P. J. Sadler, P. B. O’Connor Protein Science 21(9), 1269–79 (2012) [Wordle] |
[141] |
"Robust Nodal Structure of Landau Level Wave Functions Revealed by Fourier Transform Scanning Tunneling Spectroscopy" K. Hashimoto, T. Champel, S. Florens, C. Sohrmann, J. Wiebe, Y. Hirayama, R. A. Römer, R. Wiesendanger, M. Morgenstern Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 116805-5 (2012) [gzipped Postscript, PDF, Press Release, LiveScience] |
[140] |
"Rapid simulation of protein motion: merging flexibility, rigidity and normal mode analyses" E. Jimenez-Roldan, R. Freedman, R. A. Römer, S. A. Wells Physical Biology 9, 016008-12 (2012) [gzipped Postscript, PDF, Wordle] |
[139] |
"Anderson universality in a model of disordered phonons" S. D. Pinski, W. Schirmacher, R. A. Römer EPL 97, 16007-6 (2012) [gzipped Postscript, PDF] |
[138] |
"Multifractal finite-size-scaling and universality at the Anderson transition" A. Rodriguez, L. J. Vasquez, K. Slevin, R. A. Römer Phys. Rev. B 84, 134209-16 (2011) [gzipped Postscript, PDF] |
[137] |
"Magnetoplasmons bound to short-range impurities in graphene: Symmetries and optics" A. M. Fischer, R. A. Römer, A. B. Dzyubenko Phys. Rev. B 84, 165431-11 (2011) [gzipped Postscript, PDF] |
[136] |
"Excitonic Aharonov-Bohm effect in a two-dimensional quantum ring" C. Gonzalez-Santander, F. Dominguez-Adame, R. A. Römer Phys. Rev. B 84, 235103-6 (2011) [gzipped Postscript, PDF, Wordle] |
[135] |
"Inhibition of HIV-1 protease: the rigidity perspective" J. W. Heal, E. Jimenez-Roldan, S. A. Wells, R. Freedman, R. A. Römer Bioinformatics 28, 350-7, (2012) [Wordle] |
[134] |
"Magnetoplasmons and SU(4) symmetry in graphene" A. M. Fischer, R. A. Römer, A. B. Dzyubenko J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 286, 012054, (2011) [gzipped Postscript, PDF, Wordle] |
[133] |
"Study of the localization-delocalization transition for phonons via transfer matrix method techniques" S. D. Pinski, R. A. Römer J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 286, 012025, (2011) [gzipped Postscript, PDF] |
[132] |
"Rigidity analysis of HIV-1 protease" J. W. Heal, S. A. Wells, J. E. Jimenez-Roldan, R. F. Freedman, R. A. Römer J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 286, 012006, (2011) [gzipped Postscript, PDF] |
[131] |
"Integration of FIRST, FRODA and NMM in a coarse grained method to study Protein Disulphide Isomerase conformational change" J. E. Jimenez-Roldan, S. A. Wells, R. F. Freedman, R. A. Römer J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 286, 012002, (2011) |
[130] |
"The interplay of mutations and electronic properties in disease-related genes" C.-T. Shih, S. A. Wells, C.-L. Hsu, Y.-Y. Cheng and R. A. Römer Sci. Rep. 2, 272-9 (2012) [gzipped Postscript, PDF, Wordle, Press Release] |
"On the structure and topography of free-standing chemically modified graphene" N. R. Wilson, P. A. Pandey, R. Beanland, J. P. Rourke, U. Lupo, G. Rowlands and R. A. Römer New. J. Phys. 12, 125010 (2010) [gzipped Postscript, PDF,
Video, Wordle] |
[128] |
"Symmetry Content and Observation of Charged Collective Excitations for Graphene in Strong Magnetic Fields" A. M. Fischer, R. A. Römer, A. B. Dzyubenko EPL 92, 37003 (2010) [gzipped Postscript, PDF] |
[127] |
"Critical parameters from generalised multifractal analysis at the Anderson transition" A. Rodriguez, L. J. Vasquez, K. Slevin, R. A. Römer Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 046403-4 (2010) [gzipped Postscript, PDF] |
[126] |
"Charge Transport in Cancer-Related Genes and Early Carcinogenesis" C.-T. Shih, Y.-Y. Cheng, S. A. Wells, C.-L. Hsu, R. A. Römer Comp. Phys. Comm. 182, 36-38 (2010) |
[125] |
"The random phase property and the Lyapunov spectrum for multi-channel disordered systems" R. A. Römer, H. Schulz-Baldes J. Stat. Phys. 140, 122-153 (2010) [gzipped Postscript, PDF] |
[124] |
"Scaling law and critical exponent for alpha_0 at the 3D Anderson transition" L. J. Vasquez, K. Slevin, A. Rodriguez, R. A. Römer Ann. Phys. (Berlin) 18, 901-904 (2009) |
[123] |
"Localised Magneto-Optical Collective Excitations of Impure Graphene" A. M. Fischer, A. B. Dzyubenko, R. A. Römer Ann. Phys. (Berlin) 18, 944-948 (2009) [gzipped Postscript, PDF] |
[122] |
"Localized Collective Excitations in Doped Graphene in Strong Magnetic Fields" A. M. Fischer, A. B. Dzyubenko, R. A. Römer Phys. Rev. B 80, 165410-5 (2009) [gzipped Postscript, PDF] |
[121] |
"Multifractal analysis with the probability density function at the three-dimensional Anderson transition" A. Rodriguez, L. J. Vasquez, R. A. Römer Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 106406-4 (2009) [gzipped Postscript, PDF] |
[120] |
"Modelling charge transport in DNA using transfer matrices with diagonal terms" S. A. Wells, C.-T. Shih, R. A. Römer Int. J. Mod. Phys. B 23, 4138-4149 (2009) |
[119] |
"Comparative analysis of rigidity across protein families" S. A. Wells, J. E. Jimenez-Roldan, R. A. Römer Phys. Biol. 6, 046005-11 (2009) [gzipped Postscript, PDF] |
[118] |
"Exciton storage in a nano-scale Aharonov-Bohm ring with electric field" A. M. Fischer, V. L. Campo Jr., M. E. Portnoi, R. A. Römer Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 096405-4 (2009) [gzipped Postscript, PDF, VideoLink opens in a new window] |
[117] |
"Optimisation of multifractal analysis using box-size scaling" L. J. Vasquez, A. Rodriguez, R. A. Römer Eur. Phys. J. B 67, 77–82 (2009) [gzipped Postscript, PDF] |
[116] |
"Multifractal analysis of the metal-insulator transition in the 3D Anderson model II: Symmetry relation under ensemble averaging" A. Rodriguez, L. J. Vasquez, R. A. Römer Phys. Rev. B 78, 195107-9 (2008) [gzipped Postscript, PDF] |
[115] |
"Multifractal analysis of the metal-insulator transition in the 3D Anderson model I: Symmetry relation under typical averaging" L. J. Vasquez, A. Rodriguez, R. A. Römer Phys. Rev. B 78, 195106-10 (2008) [gzipped Postscript, PDF] |
[114] |
"The Quantum Hall transition in real space: From localized to extended states" K. Hashimoto, C. Sohrmann, J. Wiebe, T. Inaoka, F. Meier, Y. Hirayama, R. A. Römer, R. Wiesendanger, and M. Morgenstern Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 256802-4 (2008). [gzipped Postscript, PDF] |
[113] |
"Critical parameters for the disorder-induced metal-insulator transition in FCC and BCC lattices" A. Eilmes, A. M. Fischer, R. A. Römer Phys. Rev. B 77, 245117-8 (2008) [gzipped Postscript, PDF] |
[112] |
"Quantum percolation in the quantum Hall regime" C. Sohrmann, J. Oswald, R. A. Römer in Quantum and Semi-classical Percolation and Breakdown in Disordered Solids (A. Sen, K.K. Bardhan, B.K. Chakrabarti, eds.), Springer, (2009) |
[111] |
"On Large Scale Diagonalization Techniques for the Anderson Model of Localization" O. Schenk, M. Bollhöfer, R. A. Römer PAMM 7, 1021003-1021004, (2007) |
[110] |
"Kubo conductivity in the IQHE regime within Hartree-Fock" C. Sohrmann, R. A. Römer phys. stat. sol. (c) 5, 842-847 (2008) |
[109] |
"Hartree-Fock interactions in the integer quantum Hall effect" C. Sohrmann, R. A. Römer phys. stat. sol. (b) 245, 336-343 (2008) [gzipped Postscript, PDF] |
[108] |
"Point Mutation Effects on Charge Transport Properties of the Tumor-Suppressor Gene p53" C.-T. Shih, S. Roche, R. A. Römer Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 018105-4 (2008) [gzipped Postscript, PDF] |
[107]PlumX |
"Tight-binding modeling of charge migration in DNA devices" G. Cuniberti, E. Macia, A. Rodriguez, R. A. Römer in "Charge Migration in DNA: Perspectives from Physics, Chemistry and Biology" (T. Chakraborty, Ed.), Springer Verlag, Berlin, pp. 1-21 (2007) [gzipped Postscript, PDF] |
[106] |
"Compressibility stripes for mesoscopic quantum Hall samples" C. Sohrmann, R. A. Römer New J. Phys. 9, 97-22 (2007) [gzipped Postscript, PDF] |
[105] |
"Localization and Transport of Charge by Nonlinearity and Spatial Discreteness in Biomolecules and Semiconductor Nanorings. Aharonov-Bohm effect for neutral excitons" F. Palmero, J. Cuevas, F. R. Romero, J. C. Eilbeck, R. A. Römer, J. Dorignac in (S. E. Lyshevski, ed.), CRC Press (Taylor and Francis Group) (2007). |
[104] |
"El Niño and the Delayed Action Oscillator" I. Boutle, R. H. S. Taylor, R. A. Römer American Journal of Physics 75, 15-24 (2007). [gzipped Postscript, PDF] |
[103] |
"Fine structure of the integrated density of states for Bernoulli-Anderson models" P. Karmann, R. A. Römer, M. Schreiber, P. Stollmann in "Parallel Algorithms and Cluster Computing", Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineerings (K. Hoffman, A. Meyer, eds.) Springer, Berlin, pp. 267-280 (2006). [PDF] |
[102]PlumX |
"Localization of electronic states in amorphous materials: recursive Green's function method and the metal-insulator transition at E<>0" A. Croy, R. A. Römer, M. Schreiber in "Parallel Algorithms and Cluster Computing", Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineerings (K. Hoffman, A. Meyer, eds.) Springer, Berlin, pp. 203-226 (2006). [gzipped Postscript, PDF] |
[101]PlumX |
"Electronic transport and localization in short and long DNA" H. Wang, R. Marsh, J. P. Lewis, R. A. Römer in "Modern Methods for Theoretical Physical Chemistry of Biopolymers" (J. Starikov, J. Lewis and S. Tanaka, eds.) Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp. 407-428 (2006). [gzipped Postscript, PDF] |
[100] |
"Two-peak soliton in the CKP hierarchy" J. He, Y. Cheng, R. A. Römer Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 31, 343-346 (2007). |
[99] |
"Compressibility in the Integer Quantum Hall Effect within Hartree-Fock Approximation" C. Sohrmann, R. A. Römer phys. stat. sol. (c) 3, 313-316 (2005). [gzipped Postscript, PDF] |
[98] |
"Scaling at the Energy-driven Metal-Insulator Transition and the Thermoelectric Power" A. Croy, R. A. Römer phys. stat. sol. (c) 3, 334-338 (2005). [gzipped Postscript, PDF] |
[97] |
"Sequence Dependence of Electronic Transport in DNA" A. Rodriguez, R. A. Römer, M. S. Turner phys. stat. sol. (b) 243, 373-377 (2005). [gzipped Postscript, PDF] |
[96] |
"On Large Scale Diagonalization Techniques for the Anderson Model of Localization" O. Schenk, M. Bollhöfer, R. A. Römer SIAM J. Sci. Comp. 28, 963-983 (2006). [gzipped Postscript, PDF] selected with additions for SIAM Review 50, 91-112 (2008). |
[95] |
"Aharonov-Bohm effect for an exciton in a finite width nano-ring" F. Palmero, J. Dorignac, J. C. Eilbeck, R. A. Römer Phys. Rev. B 72, 075343-10 (2005). [gzipped Postscript, PDF] |
[94] |
"Electronic Transport in DNA" K. D. Klotsa, R. A. Römer, M. Turner Biophys. J. 89, 2187-2198 (2005). [gzipped Postscript, PDF] |
[93] |
"Solving bi-directional soliton equations in the KP hierarchy by gauge transformation" J. He, Y. Cheng, R. A. Römer J. High Energy Phys. 03, 103-37 (2006). [gzipped Postscript, PDF] |
[92] |
"Real-space renormalization-group approach to the integer quantum Hall effect" P. Cain, R. A. Römer Int. J. Mod. Phys. B 19, 2085-2119 (2005). [gzipped Postscript, PDF] |
[91] |
"Electronic Transport in DNA - the disorder perspective" K. D. Klotsa, R. A. Römer, M. Turner AIP Conf. Proc. 772, 1093-1094 (2005). |
[90] |
"Effects of Scale-Free Disorder on the Anderson Metal-Insulator Transition" M. L. Ndawana, R. A. Römer, M. Schreiber AIP Conf. Proc. 772, 1259-1260 (2005). |
[89] |
"Weak disorder expansion for localization lengths of quasi-1D systems" R. A. Römer, H. Schulz-Baldes Europhys. Lett. 68, 247-253 (2004). [gzipped Postscript, PDF] |
[88] |
"Exponents of the localization length in the 2D Anderson model with off-diagonal disorder" A. Eilmes, R. A. Römer phys. stat. sol. (b) 241, 2079-2088 (2004). [gzipped Postscript, PDF] |
[87] |
"The Anderson Metal-Insulator Transition in the Presence of Scale-Free Disorder" M. L. Ndawana, R. A. Römer, M. Schreiber Europhys. Lett. 68, 678-684 (2004). [gzipped Postscript, PDF] |
[86] |
"Fluctuating Hall resistance defeats the quantized Hall insulator" P. Cain, R. A. Römer EuroPhys. Lett. 66, 104-110 (2004). [gzipped Postscript, PDF] |
[85]PlumX |
"Anisotropic quantum Hall matrix model" A. Jellal, R. A. Römer, M. Schreiber CSC Technical Report CSC-22, (2003). [gzipped Postscript, PDF] |
[84] |
"Real-space renormalization and energy-level statistics at the quantum Hall transition" R. A. Römer, P. Cain Adv. Solid State Phys. 42, 237-252 (2003). [gzipped Postscript, PDF] |
[83] |
"The three-dimensional Anderson model of localization with binary random potential" I. Plyushchay, R. A. Römer, M. Schreiber Phys. Rev. B 68, 064201-8 (2003). [gzipped Postscript, PDF] |
[82] |
"Magneto-transport in periodic and quasiperiodic arrays of mesoscopic rings" A. Chakrabarti, R. A. Römer, M. Schreiber Phys. Rev. B 68, 195417-9 (2003). [gzipped Postscript, PDF] |
[81] |
"Low Density Two-Dimensional Electron Systems Studied by Scanning Tunneling Spectroscopy" M. Morgenstern, J. Klijn, C. Meyer, M. Getzlaff, R. L. Johnson, R. Adelung, L. Kipp, R. A. Römer, and R. Wiesendanger Japan J. Appl. Phys. 42, 4809-4815 (2003) |
[80] |
"Numerical investigations of scaling at the Anderson transition" R. A. Römer, M. Schreiber "The Anderson Transition and its Ramifications --- Localisation, Quantum Interference, and Interactions" (T Brandes and S Kettemann, eds.), Springer, Berlin, pp. 3-19 (2003) [gzipped Postscript, PDF] |
[79] |
"Renormalization group approach to energy level statistics at the integer quantum Hall transition" P. Cain, R. A. Römer, M. E. Raikh Phys. Rev. B 67, 075307-9 (2003). [gzipped Postscript, PDF] |
[78] |
"Thermoelectric properties of disordered systems" R. A. Römer, A. MacKinnon, C. Villagonzalo J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 72 Suppl. A, 167-168 (2003). |
[77] |
"Divergences of the localization lengths in the two-dimensional, off-diagonal Anderson model on bipartite lattices" A. Eilmes, R. A. Römer J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 72 Suppl. A, 133-134 (2003). [gzipped Postscript, PDF] |
[76] |
"Scaling of the Level Compressibility at the Anderson Metal-Insulator Transition" M. Ndawana, R. A. Römer, M. Schreiber J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 72 Suppl. A, 131-132 (2003). |
[75] |
"Real-space renormalization group approach to the quantum Hall transition" P. Cain, M. E. Raikh, R. A. Römer J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 72 Suppl. A, 135-136 (2003). |
[74] |
"Commensurate and incommensurate transitions for interacting particles" C. Schuster, R. A. Römer, M. Schreiber J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 72 Suppl. A, 129-130 (2003). |
[73] |
"A Matrix Model for Fractional Quantum Hall States" A. Jellal, E.H. Saidi, H.B. Geyer, R. A. Römer J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 72 Suppl. A, 167-168 (2003). [gzipped Postscript, PDF] |
[72] |
"Comparing measured and calculated local density of states in a disordered two-dimensional electron system" M. Morgenstern, J. Klijn, Chr. Meyer, R. A. Römer, R. Wiesendanger Physica B 329-333, 1536-1537 (2003). [gzipped Postscript, PDF] |
[71] |
"Renormalization group approach to the energy level statistics at the integer quantum Hall transition" P. Cain, M. E. Raikh, R. A. Römer Physica E 18, 126-127 (2003). |
[70] |
"Correlation measures of the Calogero-Sutherland model at T=0" R. A. Römer, P. Ziesche Physica E 18, 356-357 (2003) |
[69] |
"Localization properties of two interacting particles in a quasiperiodic potential with a metal-insulator transition" A. Eilmes, R. A. Römer, M. Schreiber "Physics of Semiconductors 2002" (A R Long and J H Davis, eds.), Institute of Physics Conference Series 171, P9 (2003) |
[68] |
"Direct comparison between potential landscape and local density of states in a disordered two-dimensional electron system" M. Morgenstern, J. Klijn, Chr. Meyer, M. Getzlaff, R. Adelung, R. A. Römer, K. Rossnagel, L. Kipp, M. Sibiowski, R. Wiesendanger Phys. Rev. Lett. 89, 136806-4 (2002). [gzipped Postscript, PDF] |
[67] |
"Finite-Size Scaling of the Level Compressibility at the Anderson Transition" M. Ndawana, R. A. Römer, M. Schreiber Eur. Phys. J. B 27, 399-407 (2002). [gzipped Postscript, PDF] |
[66] |
"Applications of cluster computing for the Anderson model of localization" P. Cain, F. Milde, R. A. Römer, M. Schreiber "Recent Research Developments in Physics" (S.G. Pandalai, ed., Transworld Research Network, Trivandrum) 2, 171-184 (2001) |
[65] |
"Localization properties of two interacting particles in a quasi-periodic potential with a metal-insulator transition" A. Eilmes, R. A. Römer, M. Schreiber Eur. Phys. J. B 23, 229-234 (2001). [gzipped Postscript, PDF] |
[64] |
"A supersymmetric Uq[(osp)(2|2)]-extended Hubbard model with boundary fields" X.W. Guan, A. Foerster, U. Grimm, R. A. Römer, M. Schreiber Nucl. Phys. B 618, 650-674 (2001). [gzipped Postscript, PDF] |
[63] |
"Para- and Ortho-Trions on a Ring: A Simple Model" R. A. Römer, M. E. Raikh phys. stat. sol. (b) 227, 381-385 (2001) |
[62]PlumX |
"The critical exponent of the localization length at the Anderson transition in 3D disordered systems is larger than 1" P. Cain, M. L. Ndawana, R. A. Römer, M. Schreiber comment on a cond-mat submission, (2001). [gzipped Postscript, PDF] |
[61] |
"Integer quantum Hall transition in the presence of a long-range-correlated quenched disorder" P Cain, M. E. Raikh, R. A. Römer, M. Schreiber Phys. Rev. B 64, 235326-9 (2001). [gzipped Postscript, PDF] |
[60] |
"Interacting particles at a metal-insulator transition" C. Schuster, R. A. Römer, M. Schreiber Phys. Rev. B 65, 115114-7 (2002). [gzipped Postscript, PDF] |
[59]PlumX |
"Percolation, Renormalization and the Quantum-Hall Transition" R. A. Römer, p. 279-294 in "Computational Statistical Physics: From Billards to Monte Carlo", K.-H. Hoffmann, M. Schreiber (Hrsg.), Springer Verlag, ISBN 3-540-42160-2 (2002). [gzipped Postscript, PDF] |
[58] |
"Hellmann-Feynman theorem and correlation-fluctuation analysis of the Calogero-Sutherland model" R. A. Römer, P. Ziesche J. Phys. A 34, 1485-1506 (2001). [gzipped Postscript, PDF] |
[57] |
"Trion in a semiconductor nanoring: Sensitivity to a magnetic flux" R. A. Römer, M. E. Raikh Proc. 25th Int. Conf. Phys. Semicond., Osaka 2000, 1125-1126, (2001) |
[56]PlumX |
"Metal-insulator transition in anisotropic systems" F. Milde, R. A. Römer, M. Schreiber Proc. 25th Int. Conf. Phys. Semicond., Osaka 2000, 148-149, (2001). [gzipped Postscript, PDF] |
[55]PlumX |
"Critical behavior of the Thermoelectric Transport Properties in Amorphous Systems near the Metal-Insulator Transition" C. Villagonzalo, R. A. Römer, M. Schreiber, A. MacKinnon Proc. 25th Int. Conf. Phys. Semicond., Osaka 2000, 166-167, (2001). [gzipped Postscript, PDF] |
[54] |
"Use of cluster computing for the Anderson model of localization" P. Cain, F. Milde, R. A. Römer, M. Schreiber Comp. Phys. Comm. 147, 246-250 (2002). [PDF] |
[53] |
"Exponents of the localization lengths in the bipartite Anderson model with off-diagonal disorder" A. Eilmes, R. A. Römer, M. Schreiber Physica B 296, 46-51 (2001). [gzipped Postscript, PDF] [53e] Erratum A. Eilmes, R. A. Römer, M. Schreiber Physica B 324, 429 (2002). |
[52] |
"Behavior of the thermopower in amorphous materials at the metal-insulator transition" C. Villagonzalo, R. A. Römer, M. Schreiber, A. MacKinnon Phys. Rev. B 62, 16446-16452 (2000). [gzipped Postscript, PDF] |
[51] |
"Fluctuation-correlation analysis of the Calogero-Sutherland model" R. A. Römer, P. Ziesche Phys. Rev. B 62, 15279-15282 (2000) |
[50] |
"Aharonov-Bohm oscillations in the exciton luminescence from a semiconductor nanoring" R. A. Römer, M. E. Raikh phys. stat. sol. (b) 221, 535-539 (2000) |
[49] |
"An exact-diagonalization study of rare events in disordered conductors" V. Uski, B. Mehlig, R. A. Römer, M. Schreiber Phys. Rev. B 62, R7699-R7702 (2000). [gzipped Postscript, PDF] |
[48] |
"Numerical study of eigenvector statistics for random banded matrices" V. Uski, R. A. Römer, M. Schreiber Phys. Rev. E 65, 056204-4 (2002) |
[47] |
"Disorder and Two-Particle Interaction in Low-Dimensional Quantum Systems" R. A. Römer, M. Schreiber, T. Vojta Physica E 9, 397-404 (2001). [gzipped Postscript, PDF] |
[46] |
"Integrable impurities for an open fermion chain" X.-W. Guan, U. Grimm, R. A. Römer, M. Schreiber J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 33, 3863-3879 (2000) |
[45]PlumX |
"From localization to delocalization: numerical studies of transport in disordered systems" R. A. Römer, Habilitationsschrift, TU Chemnitz August 1999. This version contains no reprints. |
[44] |
"Off-diagonal disorder in the Anderson model of localization" P. Biswas, P. Cain, R. A. Römer, M. Schreiber phys. stat. sol. (b) 218, 205-209 (2000). [gzipped Postscript, PDF] |
[43] |
"Critical properties of the metal-insulator transition in anisotropic systems" F. Milde, R. A. Römer, M. Schreiber, V. Uski Eur. Phys. J. B 15, 685-690 (2000). [gzipped Postscript, PDF] |
[42] |
"Energy-level statistics at the metal-insulator transition in anisotropic systems" F. Milde, R. A. Römer, M. Schreiber Phys. Rev. B 61, 6028-6035 (2000). [gzipped Postscript, PDF] |
[41]PlumX |
"Transport properties near the Anderson transition" C. Villagonzalo, R. A. Römer, M. Schreiber Ann. Phys. (Leipzig) 8, SI-269-272 (1999). [gzipped Postscript, PDF] |
[40]PlumX |
"Phase diagram of the three-dimensional Anderson model of localization with random hopping" P. Cain, R. A. Römer, M. Schreiber Ann. Phys. (Leipzig) 8, SI-33-36 (1999). [gzipped Postscript, PDF] |
[39] |
"Numerical results for two interacting particles in a random environment" R. A. Römer, M. Leadbeater, M. Schreiber Ann. Phys. (Leipzig) 8, 675-684 (1999). [gzipped Postscript, PDF] |
[38] |
"Universal level-spacing statistics in quasiperiodic tight-binding models" U. Grimm, R. A. Römer, M. Schreiber, J.-X. Zhong Materials Science & Engineering A 294-296, 564-567 (2000). [gzipped Postscript, PDF] |
[37] |
"Incipient localization in the Anderson model", V. Uski, B. Mehlig, R. A. Römer, M. Schreiber Physica B 284-288, 1934-1935 (2000). |
[36] |
"The Aharonov-Bohm effect for an exciton" R. A. Römer and M. E. Raikh Phys. Rev. B 62, 7045-7049 (2000). [gzipped Postscript, PDF] |
[35] |
"Thermoelectric transport properties in disordered systems near the Anderon transition" C. Villagonzalo, R. A. Römer, M. Schreiber Eur. Phys. J. B 12, 179-189 (1999). [gzipped Postscript, PDF] |
[34] |
"Electronic states in the Anderson model of localization: benchmarking eigenvalue algorithms" M. Schreiber, F. Milde, R. A. Römer, U. Elsner, V. Mehrmann Comp. Phys. Comm. 121-122, 517-523 (1999). |
[33] |
"Energy Levels of Quasiperiodic Hamiltonians, Spectral Unfolding, and Random Matrix Theory" M. Schreiber, U. Grimm, R. A. Römer, J. X. Zhong Comp. Phys. Comm. 121-122, 499-501 (1999). [gzipped Postscript, PDF] |
[32] |
"Lax pair formulation for a small-polaron chain with integrable boundaries" X.-W. Guan, U. Grimm, R. A. Römer Ann. Phys. (Leipzig) 7, 518-522 (1998). [gzipped Postscript, PDF] |
[31] |
"Energy level statistics at the metal-insulator transition in the Anderson model of localization with anisotropic hopping" F. Milde, R. A. Römer Ann. Phys. (Leipzig) 7, 452-456 (1998). [gzipped Postscript, PDF] |
[30]PlumX |
"A numerical study of wave-function and matrix-element statistics in the Anderson model of localization" V. Uski, B. Mehlig, R. A. Römer Ann. Phys. (Leipzig) 7, 437-441 (1998). [gzipped Postscript, PDF] |
[29] |
"Low temperature behavior of the thermopower in disordered systems near the Anderson transition" C. Villagonzalo, R. A. Römer Ann. Phys. (Leipzig) 7, 394-399 (1998). [gzipped Postscript, PDF] |
[28] |
"Electronic states in topologically disordered systems" U. Grimm, R. A. Römer, G. Schliecker Ann. Phys. (Leipzig) 7, 389-393 (1998). [gzipped Postscript, PDF] |
[27] |
"Smoothed universal correlations in the two-dimensional Anderson model" V. Uski, B. Mehlig, R. A. Römer, M. Schreiber Phys. Rev. B 59, 4080-4090 (1999). [gzipped Postscript, PDF] |
[26] |
"Two interacting particles at the metal-insulator transition" A. Eilmes, U. Grimm, R. A. Römer, M. Schreiber Eur. Phys. J. B 8, 547-554 (1999). [gzipped Postscript, PDF] |
[25] |
"Application of random matrix theory to quasiperiodic systems" M. Schreiber, U. Grimm, R. A. Römer, J. X. Zhong Physica A 266, 477-480 (1999). [gzipped Postscript, PDF] |
[24] |
"Scaling the localisation lengths for two interacting particles in one-dimensional random potentials" R. A. Römer, M. Leadbeater, M. Schreiber Physica A 266, 481-485 (1999). [gzipped Postscript, PDF] |
[23]PlumX |
"Formation of electron-hole pairs in a one-dimensional random environment" M. Leadbeater, R. A. Römer, M. Schreiber, in Excitonic Processes in Condensed Matter, R. T. Williams and W. M. Yen, Editors, PV 98-25, p. 349-354, The Electrochemical Society Proceedings Series, Pennington, NJ (1998). [gzipped Postscript, PDF] |
[22] |
"Interaction-dependent enhancement of the localisation length for two interacting particles in a one-dimensional random potential" M. Leadbeater, R. A. Römer, M. Schreiber Eur. Phys. J. B 8, 643-652 (1999). [gzipped Postscript, PDF] |
[21] |
"The Anderson model of localization: a challenge for modern eigenvalue methods" U. Elsner, V. Mehrmann, F. Milde, R. A. Römer, M. Schreiber SIAM J. Sci. Comp 20, 2089-2102 (1999). [gzipped Postscript, PDF] |
[20] |
"Level Spacings Distributions of Planar Quasiperiodic Tight-Binding Models" J. X. Zhong, U. Grimm, R. A. Römer, M. Schreiber Phys. Rev. Lett. 80, 3996-3999 (1998). [gzipped Postscript, PDF] |
[19] |
"Critical behavior in the two-dimensional Anderson model of localization with random hopping" A. Eilmes, R. A. Römer, M. Schreiber phys. stat. sol. (b) 205, 229-232 (1998) |
[18] |
"Weak delocalization due to long-range interaction for two electrons in a random potential chain", R. A. Römer, M. Schreiber phys. stat. sol. (b) 205, 275-279 (1998). |
[17] |
"The two-dimensional Anderson model of localization with random hopping" A. Eilmes, R. A. Römer, M. Schreiber Eur. Phys. J. B. 1, 29-38 (1998). [gzipped Postscript, PDF] |
[16]PlumX |
"The Mott-Anderson transition in the disordered one-dimensional Hubbard model" R. Pai, A. Punnoose, R. A. Römer Technical Report SFB393/97-12, (1997). [gzipped Postscript, PDF] |
[15] |
"The enhancement of the localization length for two-interacting particles is vanishingly small in transfer-matrix calculations", R. A. Römer, M. Schreiber Phys. Rev. Lett. 78, 4890 (1997). [gzipped Postscript, PDF] |
[14] |
"Two-interacting particles in a random potential: Numerical calculations of the interaction matrix elements", R. A. Römer, T. Vojta, M. Schreiber phys. stat. sol. (b) 211, 681-691 (1999)
This paper is part of the older paper:
[14a] "Two-interacting particles in a random potential: The random matrix model revisited" T. Vojta, R. A. Römer, M. Schreiber [gzipped Postscript, PDF] |
[13] |
"Multifractal analysis of the metal-insulator transition in anisotropic systems" F. Milde, R. A. Römer, M. Schreiber Phys. Rev. B 55, 9463-9469 (1997). [gzipped Postscript, PDF] |
[12] |
"No enhancement of the localization length for two interacting particles in a random potential" R. A. Römer, M. Schreiber Phys. Rev. Lett. 78, 515-518 (1997). [gzipped Postscript, PDF] |
[11] |
"Absence of backscattering at integrable impurities in one-dimensional quantum many-body systems", H.-P. Eckle, A. Punnoose, R. A. Römer Europhys. Lett. 39, 293-298 (1997). [gzipped Postscript, PDF] |
[10] |
"Langevin dynamics, stochastic quantization and the elliptic 1/r2 systems" A. Punnoose, R. A. Römer J. Phys. A 29, 1651-1657 (1996) |
[9] |
"Conservation laws in the continuum 1/r2 systems" R. A. Römer, B.S. Shastry, B. Sutherland J. Phys. A 29, 4699-4714 (1996). [gzipped Postscript, PDF] |
[8] |
"Enhanced Charge and Spin Currents in the One-Dimensional Disordered Mesoscopic Hubbard Ring" R. A. Römer, A. Punnoose Phys. Rev. B 52, 14809-14816 (1995). [gzipped Postscript, PDF] |
[7] |
"Gaps in the Heisenberg-Ising model" R. A. Römer, H.-P. Eckle, B. Sutherland Phys. Rev. B 52, 1656-1660 (1995). [gzipped Postscript, PDF] |
[6] |
"Exact solution of a one-dimensional multicomponent lattice gas with hyperbolic interaction", B. Sutherland, R. A. Römer, B.S. Shastry Phys. Rev. Lett. 73, 2154-2157 (1994). [gzipped Postscript, PDF] |
[5] |
"Transport properties of a two-component Luttinger liquid with hyperbolic interactions" R. A. Römer, B. Sutherland Phys. Rev. B 50, 15389-15392 (1994). [gzipped Postscript, PDF] |
[4] |
"Exact derivation of Luttinger liquid relation in a one-dimensional two-component quantum system with hyperbolic interactions" R. A. Römer, B. Sutherland Phys. Lett. A 190, 295-300 (1994). [gzipped Postscript, PDF] |
[3] |
"Critical exponents for the sinh-cosh interaction model in the zero sector" R. A. Römer, B. Sutherland Phys. Rev. B 49, 6779-6787 (1994). [gzipped Postscript, PDF] |
[2] |
"Exciton, spinon and spin wave modes in an exactly soluble one-dimensional quantum many-body problem" B. Sutherland, R. A. Römer Phys. Rev. Lett. 71, 2789-2792 (1993). [gzipped Postscript, PDF] |
[1] |
"Test of conformal invariance in a one-dimensional quantum liquid with long-range interaction" R. A. Römer, B. Sutherland Phys. Rev. B 48, 6058-6064 (1993). [gzipped Postscript, PDF] |