Dr. Marzena Szymanska
Associate Professor in Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics
Research Associate positions (PDRA) available
My group is moving to Department of Physics and Astronomy, Universty College London at the end of September 2013. Two post-doctoral positions are now availabe to join my group in UCL. If you are interested to apply please follow the following link: PDRA application
Summary of research interests
- far from equilibrium quantum collective phenomena
- non-equilibrium dynamics
- dissipative and driven quantum systems
- light-matter interactions
- non-equilibrium Bose-Einstein condensation (BEC), BCS-BEC crossover, Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless (BKT) transition and BKT-BEC crossover
- superfluidity
- disorder
- quantum coherence, decoherence and entanglement
- semiconductor micro- and nano-structures: microcavities, quantum wells and wires, excitons, polaritons
- ultra-cold atomic gases and Feshbach resonances
- circuit and cavity QED systems
- lasers
- non-equilibrium field theory path integrals and Green functions
- dynamical equations of motions such as stochastic Gross-Pitaevskii equations and equations for higher order cumulants
For more details on my research activities see my Research pages, my Publications, and some recent Talks.
Group Memebers
Jonathan Fellows (PDRA)
Galbadrakh Dagvadorj (PhD student) Kirsty Dunnett (PhD student)
Write to:
Department of Physics, University of Warwick, Coventry, CV4 7AL
Contact Details:
Office: PS129
+44 (0)2476 1 50635
+44 (0)2476 5 23672
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