Dr David Pascoe
My publications can be found here. Additional links: Google Scholar, ResearchGate, ORCID, NASA ADS.
My research interests include Solar Physics, MHD, Coronal Seismology, Numerical Modelling, and Space Weather. I am currently working with Prof Valery Nakariakov under an ERC Advanced Grant "Magnetohydrodynamic Wave Diagnostics of the Solar Atmosphere in the Era of Transformative High-Resolution Observations".
My most recent invited talk was at SOLARNET 5 (PDF). Full list of presentations here.
I organised the RadioSun-4 Workshop & Summer School and Solar & Stellar Physics Workshop.
I am a Project Provider for Nuffield Research Placements.
I am a member of Warwick Staff Walkers (Flickr).
D dot J dot Pascoe at warwick dot ac dot uk
+44 (0)24 761 50214