Dr. John Back
Senior Research Fellow with a range of research interests:
Flavour physics and CP violation with the LHCb experiment
Neutrino and accelerator physics
Previous research
Flavour physics and CP violation with the LHCb experiment
- Maintenance of the EvtGen software that is used to generate simulation samples of B decays for understanding experimental data
- Analysis of Lambda_b to J/psi Lambda and Lambda_b to mu mu Lambda decays
- Dalitz plot analysis of charmless three-body decays; original co-author of the Laura++ Dalitz plot fitting software
- Thermal modelling work for the Vertex Locator upgrade effort using COMSOL
Neutrino and accelerator physics
- DUNE/LBNF targetry: proton beam and target simulation work optimising the muon neutrino flux using the Geant4 and Fluka software packages
- Developing Pandora reconstruction software for 3D detector technology for the AIDAinnova project
- Hidden sector physics with SHiP: muon shield magnetic fields simulation and targetry studies
Previous research
- Front End Test Stand: test beam facility being constructed at Rutherford Lab to research the technologies for future high brightness/intensity proton accelerators; design, simulation and commissioning of the three-solenoid low energy beam transport focusing system
- Targetry studies for the Neutrino Factory
- LACE software package: C++ implementation of local principal curves that can identify features in 3d images of points and/or curves
- ACTIVIA software package: C++ implementation of calculating cross-sections and production/decay yields for cosmogenic activitation studies (e.g. backgrounds in dark matter experiments)
- Charmless B decays and Dalitz plot analyses for the BaBar experiment
Write To:
Department of Physics, University of Warwick, Coventry, CV4 7AL
Contact Details:
Office: P444
44 (0) 2476523694
44 (0)2476150897