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Dr Elnaz Darsheshdar

How did your journey into Physics begin?

I was interested in natural science and physics from high school which lead to a bachelor's and master's degree in experimental physics, then I decided to change the study to theoretical physics in PhD which guided me to the theoretical projects on light-matter interaction and spectroscopy which I am working on now at Warwick.

What is your favourite thing about your research area / role?

The most interesting point is that light-matter interaction can be used for various aspects in the life depending on the light properties. More specifically the laser light can be used for medical treatments and surgeries, for some other cases the light can be used to probe the properties of the matter as well.

Why do you think it is important to highlight women and gender minorities in science? What does it mean to you?

During the life there are many steps that a woman faces various responsibilities like being a mother, and there are many women who are aspirant and motivated to pursue their path in science in addition to all their roles in life. Being a part of a 'women in science community' is a bless for me to be motivated and be able to motivate other women to follow their desire in their job.