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Funding your Postgraduate Study

  • 4 Departmental PhD Fellowships are available for students looking to start in October 2025 - find details below, deadline Sunday 16th March 2025

Students looking to fund their studies via a scholarship of other similar method have a number of options they can pursue. Below are details of the 5 funding avenues that our postgraduate research students have had the most success with in recent years. Please note that:

  • all details below are given assuming an applicant intends to study full-time, part-time applicants should assume that amounts will be appropriately pro-rata.
  • any figures provided may be indicative of past offerings and not fully reflect the current offering - applicants should check the provided links for the most up-to-date information on these opportunities.
Other recent funding successes

Our MSc by Research and PhD applicants have also had recent one-off success with applying for funding through the following schemes:

Doctoral Loans

Student Finance England (SFE) now offers Doctoral Loans to those students struggling to find alternate sources of funding for their PhD, you can find out more information at the following linkLink opens in a new window. Please be aware that, if you receive a Doctoral Loan, SFE will split the payments equally over all 4 years of your course. As Warwick only charges fees for the first 3 years, this may leave students with less money than they expect during this time, so applicants considering a Doctoral Loan are advised to carefully consider whether this will be enough to cover their costs before applying.

Alternative funding sources

If none of the above are relevant to your situation, then please see the Doctoral College and the Scholarships and Bursaries pages for a full list of funding opportunities available to applicants.