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Jenna Gillett won the Best PhD Studetn Paper Prize (Open Science)

Following rigorous evaluations by an independent committee, her paper

Gillett, Jenna L., Karadag, Paige, Themelis, Kristy, Li, Yu-Mei, Lemola, Sakari, Balasubramanian, Shyam, Singh, Swaran P. and Tang, Nicole K. Y. (2023) Investigating mental defeat in patients with chronic pain : protocol for a longitudinal experience sampling study. BMJ Open, 13 . e066577. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2022-066577 ISSN 2044-6055.

has been awarded the accolade "Best PhD Student Open Science Paper in 2023".

Very well deserved!

Thu 23 May 2024, 09:33 | Tags: PhD, paper, chronic pain, award, WITHIN

Many congratulations to Dr Chandler

Many congratulations to Dr Laura Chandler, who passed her viva this afternoon with flying colours!

Her thesis is entitled "Supporting the Sleep and Mental Health of University Students. Empirical Rationale, Feasibility and Barriers to Developing and Implementing Digital Self-Monitoring Interventions."

Thu 23 May 2024, 09:27 | Tags: PhD, people

New paper alert - mental health & university study completion

Our lab's PhD student, Laura Chandler, has just published a paper in Education Sciences about mental health symptoms during the pandemic and university study completion. It's Open Access - do take a look!

Do Mental Health Symptoms during the Pandemic Predict University Non-Completion in a Sample of UK Students? A Prospective StudyLink opens in a new window

Tue 12 Dec 2023, 10:34 | Tags: PhD, paper, student, mental health

Warm congratulations to Dr Latini!

Pleased to announce that Elettra passed her PhD viva with flying colours yesterday! Very well done - time to celebrate Dr Latini!

Fri 09 Jun 2023, 14:16 | Tags: PhD, student, people

Huge congratulations to Dr Rakhimov

who passed his viva and had his corrections accepted! Arman, we are very proud of you and look forward to seeing you at his graduate ceremony.

Mon 06 Feb 2023, 16:17 | Tags: PhD, student, people

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