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New paper alert - mental health & university study completion

Our lab's PhD student, Laura Chandler, has just published a paper in Education Sciences about mental health symptoms during the pandemic and university study completion. It's Open Access - do take a look!

Do Mental Health Symptoms during the Pandemic Predict University Non-Completion in a Sample of UK Students? A Prospective StudyLink opens in a new window

Tue 12 Dec 2023, 10:34 | Tags: PhD, paper, student, mental health

New paper on CBT-I for sleep and mental health of university students

Our PhD student, Laura Chandler, has published her systematic review and meta analysis in Sleep Medicine. Feel free to click this link Link opens in a new windowto read the paper in full.

Wed 05 Oct 2022, 14:00 | Tags: PhD, paper, sleep, student, mental health

Pandemic and student mental health

Our new paper on student mental health after the first UK lockdown is out in the BJPsych Open. The paper is open accessLink opens in a new window - do check it out!

Tue 26 Jul 2022, 10:18 | Tags: paper, sleep, student, mental health, RECOVERS

Pandemic and student mental health

Did you know that mental health continued to be a serious issue for many university students, even after the first lockdown? Check out our new manuscript, "Pandemic and student mental health", on PsyArXiv

Tue 28 Sep 2021, 09:36 | Tags: sleep, student, mental health, RECOVERS

Rewards for exercise

What would motivate people to engage in physical activity?

Check out our new paper published in BMC Public Health, piloting the concept of rewards for exercise for improving wellbeing and sleep. d

Can a ‘rewards-for-exercise app’ increase physical activity, subjective well-being and sleep quality? An open-label single-arm trial among university staff with low to moderate physical activity levels

Mon 26 Apr 2021, 23:40 | Tags: paper, sleep, mental health

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