New paper on self-compassion and chronic pain
Hot off the press. A new paper - brilliantly led by and Arman Rakhimov - validates the use of the Self-Compassion Scale Short-Form in chronic pain and exploring its initial relationships with pain outcomes.
🧪Open access:
Prof Matthew Broome gave a Health Spotlight MHW seminar
On 8th Nov, Professor Matthew Broome, Director of the Institute for Mental Health, University of Birmingham, gave a seminar for the Warwick Health Spotlight.
Missed the talk? Don't worry, we have the recording of the talk archived on the Health Spotlight's Mental Health and Wellbeing webpage for references.
New paper alert - mental health & university study completion
Our lab's PhD student, Laura Chandler, has just published a paper in Education Sciences about mental health symptoms during the pandemic and university study completion. It's Open Access - do take a look!
New paper on CBT-I for sleep and mental health of university students
Our PhD student, Laura Chandler, has published her systematic review and meta analysis in Sleep Medicine. Feel free to click this link Link opens in a new windowto read the paper in full.
Pandemic and student mental health
Our new paper on student mental health after the first UK lockdown is out in the BJPsych Open. The paper is open accessLink opens in a new window - do check it out!