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The research activities of CRiSM extend to the whole of the Department of Statistics and beyond. Here we list current, affiliated members of CRiSM, along with their main research interests.

CRiSM Management Team:

Professor Saul Jacka
Saul Jacka

Stochastic differential equations. Stochastic control. Applied stochastic processes. Optimal stopping. Applications of probability in finance and economics


CRiSM Scientific Council:

Professor Jim Berger 

Department of Statistical Science, Duke University.

Professor Judith Rousseau

CEREMADE, Université Paris Dauphine

Professor Robin Henderson
Professor Robin Henderson

School of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Newcastle

Professor Guy Nason

Department of Mathematics, University of Bristol.

Professor Nanny Wermuth
Department of Mathematical Sciences, Chalmers University of Technology.    
Professor Henry Wynn
Department of Statistics, London School of Economics.