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ST415 Additional Information

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Module Leader - Dr Larbi Alili

Full information about this module can be found from the module catalogue page (see left)

(The course regulations listed in the course handbook take precedence over the availability of modules listed in the module catalogue).

Information for projects.

The 4th year dissertations run under one of the following module codes:

- ST415: Statistics Masters Dissertation
- EC400: Statistics Masters Dissertation in Economics
- IB403: Operational Research Dissertation
- ST421: Data Science Masters Dissertation

MMathStat students may only opt for ST415. Data Science students may only opt for ST421.

ST415 Module leaders:

Term 1: Dr Dario Spanò (

Term 2 and 3: Prof Vassili Kolokoltsov (


Economics contact: Dr Jonathan Cave (

WBS contact: Dr Vladimir Deineko (

Resources for 4th year students, currently taking ST415

Dissertation guidance 2019/20

Project titles 2019/2020


Here are some example presentation slides. You are also allowed to give a presentation on the blackboard, if you prefer.

Poster format and templates

Posters should be in A1 format and submitted as pdf files.

This zipfile contains a latex template eposter_a1.tex which is illustrated in eposter_a1.pdf. The following website has useful suggestions on how to make a poster and also includes links to further latex templates. The Warwick Careers and Skills website has some resources too, in particular here

Dissertation Templates

Example dissertations:

Academic writing and plagiarism

The links below contain guidance on to avoid plagiarism:

The link below contains guidance and resources for improving academic writing: