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Risk Sharing with Mean-Variance Preferences and Proportional Transaction Costs; Mihail Zervos, (LSE)

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Location: B3.02 and via Teams

Abstract: We consider an economy with two agents. Each of the two agents receives a random endowment flow. We model this cumulative flow as the the stochastic integral of a deterministic function of the economy's state, which we model by means of a general Ito diffusion. Each of the two agents has mean-variance preferences with different risk-aversion coefficients. To hedge against the random fluctuations of their individual endowments, the two agents may enter a risk-sharing agreement to trade a risky asset that is in zero net supply. We determine the agents' optimal equilibrium trading strategies in the presence of proportional transaction costs. In particular, we derive a new free-boundary problem that provides the solution to the agents' optimal equilibrium problem. Furthermore, we derive the explicit solution to this free-boundary problem when the problem data is such that the frictionless optimiser is a strictly increasing or a strictly increasing and then strictly decreasing function of the economy's state.

Unless otherwise specified, in Term 2 and Term 3, the Stochastic Finance seminar takes place on Wednesdays, starting at 11:00 am.

While the seminars will run in person, there is also the possibility to join via MS Teams. If you wish to be added to the respective Team, please contact the seminar organiser Miryana GrigorovaLink opens in a new window.

All are welcome.

Tags: SF@W

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