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Mon 22 Jan, '24
Stats Seminar - TBD
Stats Common Room
Mon 29 Jan, '24
Statistics Seminar - Scalable Estimation of Probit Models with Crossed Random Effects

by Professor Cristiano Varin (Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, Italy)

Mon 5 Feb, '24
Statistics Seminar - Martingale optimal transport and applications to finance

by Professor David Hobson, (University of Warwick)

Mon 19 Feb, '24
Statistics Seminar - The Mathematics of Complex Streamed Data

by Professor Terry Lyons, (University of Oxford)

Mon 26 Feb, '24
Statistics Seminar - Monte Carlo methods for branching processes

by Dr. Emma Horton, (University of Warwick)

Mon 4 Mar, '24
Statistics Seminar - Familial inference: Tests for hypotheses on a family of centers

by Professor Steve MacEachern, (Ohio State University, USA)

Mon 11 Mar, '24
Statistics Seminar: From kernel methods to neural networks: double descent, function spaces, and learnability

by Dr. Fanghui Liu, University of Warwick)

Mon 22 Apr, '24
Statistics Seminar - Experimental Designs for Tax Audit Policies on Large Interfirm Networks
MS.03, Zeeman

by Dr. Panos Toulis, (University of Chicago, Booth School of Business)

Mon 13 May, '24
Statistics Seminar - Designing and Learning Algorithmic Regularisers
MB0.07, MSB

by Professor Patrick Rebeschini (University of Oxford)

Mon 20 May, '24
Statistics Seminar - TBD
MB0.07, MSB

by Professor Fabrizio Leisen, (University of Nottingham)

Mon 3 Jun, '24
Statistics Seminar - An Analysis of Elo Rating Systems via Markov Chains: MCMC Convergence and Tournament Design
MB0.07, MSB

by Dr. Sam Olesker-Taylor, (University of Warwick)

Mon 10 Jun, '24
Statistics Seminar - TBD
MB0.07, MSB

by Professor Fabrice Rossi, (Université Paris Dauphine, France)

Mon 17 Jun, '24
Statistics Seminar - TBD
MB0.07, MSB

by Dr. Francis Bach, Departement d'Informatique de l'Ecole Normale Superieure, PSL Research University, Centre de Recherche INRIA de Paris.

Tue 17 Sep, '24
North-East and Midlands Stochastic Analysis Seminars

The North East and Midlands Stochastic Analysis Seminar (NEMSA) runs four times a year and the venue rotates between Durham, Oxford, Warwick and York. Each event takes place during an afternoon or over two days, with talks in the area of Stochastic Analysis.
