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Professor Christian Robert nominated as a senior member of the Institut Universitaire de France.

Professor Christian Robert has been nominated as a senior member of the Institut Universitaire de France for the period 2016-2021 [link:]. This national institute supports professors and lecturers from French universities towards a lighter teaching load and dedicated research grants, with the goals of fostering research excellence within French universities, reducing gender inequalities in research, and supporting research throughout the country. Professor Robert was earlier a senior member of the Institut Universitaire de France for the period 2010-2015, this is thus his second (and last) nomination.

Wed 11 May 2016, 08:47 | Tags: STEM

Breaking Down Barriers for Women in Mathematics and Statistics: A Womanthology Interview with Dr Martine Barons

Dr Martine Barons was recently interviewed by Womanthology magazine on the subject of breaking down barriers for women in the fields of Mathematics and Statistics.

You can read the interview by following this link.

Mon 25 Apr 2016, 11:52 | Tags: STEM

Warwick Statistics on the BBC News: Pollinator Workshop

Dr Martine Barons yesterday represented the Warwick Statistics department at a gathering of 10 of the UK’s top experts in pollinators and ran a structured elicitation workshop to estimate quantities that are not available from experiments to use as data in a decision support system based on the recently submitted work by Martine, Professor Jim Smith and Dr Manuele Leonelli on combining expert judgements coherently for decision support.

The elicitation was run by our visitor from Melbourne University, Dr Anca Hanea, using the IDEA protocol on which she is an author and is about to appear in the International Journal of forecasting. That paper shows that by following the IDEA protocol, you can use the data elicited as experts in place of ‘hard data’ from experiments. The quantities elicited yesterday are not available anywhere because the experiments you would need to do in order to get that data would be enormously difficult and expensive.

The gathering was reported on by the BBC for both television and radio. The televised news item can be viewed until 6pm on Thursday 7th April by following the link below (the news item starts at 16.49 minutes into the programme): 

Thu 07 Apr 2016, 11:34 | Tags: STEM

Staff Awards winners 2016

Many congratulations to Saul Jacka for winning the “Outstanding Contribution” award, to Chris Veal (joint with Maths) for winning the “Unsung Hero” award and to Jane Hutton who was highly commended for “Public Engagement”.

As Professor Saul Jacka commentated at the celebratory gala dinner held on Friday 11 March, "I think it’s really vital to get people involved in the wider community and one of the ways to do that is to recognise effort and achievement – and the Awards a very good way to recognise that. It’s a very pleasant experience to work for such a friendly institution and this is one way of encouraging that friendliness."

This is a wonderful recognition for their many important contributions to the Department and the University, and it is truly exceptional that three of our colleagues were selected from among the more than 350 nominations made across the University.

More information can be found at:

Once again, very well done to Saul, Jane and Chris! They very much deserve these plaudits.

Mon 14 Mar 2016, 12:23 | Tags: STEM

Turing Lectures

The first set of Turing Lectures took place on Wednesday 2nd March, hosted at the BMA in London and live streamed via the ATI website. A mathematician lucidly explaining the challenges to formal analysis of Deep Learning induced operators and a physicist illustrated concepts of the emerging field of networks and their analysis in diverse areas of life. They were superb, entertaining, exciting and engaging.

Please visit to either register for the next of a series of lectures that Turing is holding or view remotely - one can even ask questions of the speakers online.

The next Turing Lecture on Wednesday 16th March features our very own Gareth Roberts, and you will see a number of the other lectures in the series that should be of interest. Do visit the website, come along and take part if possible or enjoy the live streaming of the events.

Thu 03 Mar 2016, 09:19

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