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Warwick selected as one of the founding members of the Alan Turing Institute for Data Science

The Department of Statistics at Warwick led a team of academics from the Mathematics Institute and the Departments of Computer Science and Statistics in bidding to be founding partners in establishing the Alan Turing Institute for Data Science in the UK. The Business Secretary, Vince Cable, has announced that five universities were selected to lead the Alan Turing Institute, one of which is Warwick. The four other universities are Oxford, Cambridge, UCL and Edinburgh. Warwick’s pivotal role in the Alan Turing Institute will be led by Professor Mark Girolami from the Department of Statistics.

Data Science has been an integral part of Warwick’s vision for the Mathematical Sciences. Warwick is home to the Warwick Data Science Institute and an undergraduate degree programme in Data Science, both the first of their kind in the UK.

Detailed press announcements can be found at the University of Warwick’s main site, the Business Information Portal, and EPSRC.

The Alan Turing Institute will be physically located in London’s new Knowledge Quarter.

Fri 30 Jan 2015, 13:45 | Tags: STEM

Heather Turner to give invited course in Zurich

Dr Heather Turner, statistical consultant and currently an Associate Fellow of Warwick Statistics, has been invited to give an intensive one-day course Introduction to Generalized Nonlinear Models in Zurich on 11 May 2015. The course is based on Heather's work as a Senior Research Fellow at Warwick, which included the development of award-winning software package gnm.

Heather's work and her views on statistics, science and R development are featured in this extended interview recorded at the useR! 2014 conference in Los Angeles.

Thu 22 Jan 2015, 14:21 | Tags: STEM

Warwick to lead APTS from 2016/17 -- 2020/21

The APTS executive committee has decided that, following its first ten years of operation, APTS should continue to be led from Warwick for a further five years. From 2016/17 Ben Graham is expected to remain in post as Programme Manager; Adam Johansen will be joined by David Croydon as co-director.

Mon 12 Jan 2015, 19:34 | Tags: STEM

Saul Jacka in Scientific Steering Committee (SSC) of the Isaac Newton Institute

Congratulations to Saul Jacka, who has just agreed to join the Scientific Steering Committee (SSC) of the Isaac Newton Institute (for four years from 1 January 2015).

SSC has an international membership and is responsible for the selection of programmes which will run at the Institute. It meets twice per year, May and October, to consider proposals.

Fri 09 Jan 2015, 12:22 | Tags: STEM

Wilfrid Kendall is to present a Georges de Rham Lecture in Lausanne on 22 April 2015, on the interaction of Probability with Geometry and Topology

La journée Georges de Rham existe depuis 1991 et c’est un ’’colloque prestige’’ réunissant la communauté mathématique Suisse, et notamment nos doctorants, autour de deux conférenciers prestigieux présentant, durant un exposé d’une heure, un thème d’actualité. Il s’agit d’un exercice difficile pour les orateurs, et les organisateurs cherchent toujours à s’assurer les services de conférenciers de premier plan au niveau scientifique, qui sont aussi connus pour leur capacité à présenter de manière abordable un thème de pointe. En 2015 le thème portera sur les liens entre les probabilités et la topologie et géométrie

The occasion is run by the Swiss Doctoral Programme in Mathematics. The Lectures form the core of the Georges de Rham day, a prestigious yearly event dating back to 1991 and taking place in Lausanne, honouring the remarkable legacy of Georges de Rham (1903-1990), who hailed from and worked for much of his career in the Canton of Vaud. They address the Mathematical community-at-large of Switzerland, with particular emphasis on doctoral students, thus bringing together faculty, students, visitors and other researchers in mathematics from across the country. The Lecturers are chosen to be distinguished mathematicians with a charisma in communicating mathematics, in order for our students to benefit from our esteemed guests. In this sense, talks are intended for a diverse but mathematically mature audience, and are colloquium style, rather than seminar style, lasting about an hour (not including questions). Among past speakers are Alain Connes, Vaughan Jones, László Lovász, Benoît Mandelbrot, Curtis McMullen, John Milnor, Peter Sarnak, Marcus du Sautoy, Jean-Pierre Serre, Jean-Christophe Yoccoz, and Don Zagier, to name only a few.

Thu 08 Jan 2015, 11:52 | Tags: STEM

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