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Athena SWAN Bronze award for Warwick Statistics!

Athena SWAN Bronze Award logo

Warwick Statistics Department has been successful in its application for an Athena SWAN Bronze Award. The Athena SWAN Charter recognises commitment to advancing women's careers in science, technology, engineering, maths and medicine (STEMM) employment in academia. The Charter was launched in June 2005. Any higher education institution which is committed to the advancement and promotion of the careers of women in STEMM in higher education and research can apply for membership. The beliefs underpinning the Charter are:

  • The advancement of science, technology, engineering, maths and medicine is fundamental to quality of life across the globe;
  • It is vitally important that women are adequately represented in what has traditionally been, and is still, a male-dominated area;
  • Science cannot reach its full potential unless it can benefit from the talents of the whole population, and until women and men can benefit equally from the opportunities it affords.

Athena SWAN Bronze Award holders have demonstrated particular challenges and plan activities for the future, use quantitative and qualitative assessment to identify challenges and opportunities, have a plan that builds on this assessment, and learn lessons from any activities already in place. In the case of Warwick Statistics, this activity is overseen by our Welfare and Communications Committee, chaired by our head of department.

Thu 26 Sep 2013, 11:32

Professor Jeff Harrison

Tue 17 Sep 2013, 09:59

2013 John Copas Prize in Statistics awarded to Alex Thiery

We are delighted to announce that the 2013 John Copas Prize in Statistics for the most outstanding thesis amongst those eligible for the PhD Completion Award has been awarded to Alexandre Thiery.

The examiners, and the panel awarding the Prize, were very impressed with the quality and clarity of the thesis, and noted that the thesis included material which was already published in prestigious journals.


Wed 14 Aug 2013, 16:12

Prizes for Graduating Students

adam_bowditch.jpg shaun_killingbeck.jpg james_turner.jpg jingwen_zhong.jpg chenyi_zou.jpg

Departmental academic prizes were awarded to several of our new graduates at the recent graduation-day reception. Pictured above, receiving their prizes from Professor Wilfrid Kendall, are (from left to right) Adam Bowditch, Shaun Killingbeck, James Turner, Jingwen Zhong and Chenyi Zou.

Many congratulations to them, to the other prizewinners, and to all of our graduating students this summer!

Mon 29 Jul 2013, 09:15

Congratulations to Kirsty Hey and Markus Elze on being awarded prizes at the International Biometric Society Channel Network Conference.

*Kirsty won a prize for best oral paper ("Parameter inference in a stochastic reaction network with transcriptional switches")
*Markus received an honorable mention for overall conference contribution of his oral paper ("Incorporating age- and sex-dependent reference ranges in joint longitudinal and timeto-event modelling for bone marrow transplantation") and his poster ("Modelling Survival following Bone Marrow Transplantation; using Longitudinal Immune Measurements at Arbitrary Time Points")
Fri 19 Jul 2013, 22:01

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