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BSc Data Science course announced

Our new 3-year Data Science degree is launched this week at the Warwick undergraduate open days. This unique course aims to meet the rapidly growing demand, from students and employers alike, for a systematic, flexible combination of high-level learning and experience in both Statistics and Computer Science.

The first cohort of students will start in 2014. The course structure includes the option of an intercalated year, a year spent away from Warwick (either in industry or at an overseas partner university) to gain valuable experience before the final year of the degree.

The Head of Statistics, Professor David Firth, says: "We, together with the Department of Computer Science, are pleased to be leading the way with this new initiative at the undergraduate level. But really this is overdue: the demand from employers for well-qualified data scientists is insatiable already, and looks set to be huge for years to come. Our aim is to provide the very best course of its kind anywhere in the world".

This exciting new course will appear on the UCAS system shortly, in good time for the 2013-14 admissions season.

Mon 17 Jun 2013, 18:21

Congratulations to Dr Martin Klimmek of the Mathematical Institute, Oxford

Congratulations to Dr Martin Klimmek of the Mathematical Institute, Oxford (Warwick Statistics PhD March 2012) for being awarded the 2012 Nicola Bruti Liberati Prize by the Department of Mathematics of Pollitecnico di Milano and the Bachelier Finance Society in cooperation with Springer.

This prestigious prize is a recognition of the excellent quality of Martin's PhD thesis.

Sat 25 May 2013, 09:28

Congratulations to Dr Jen Rogers of LSHTM

Congratulations to Dr Jen Rogers of LSHTM (Warwick Statistics PhD March 2011) for her piece in RSS News June 2013 p15, on her experiences representing the Council of Mathematical Sciences at a Science Question Time with the House of Commons Science & Technology Committee on 20 March.

Sat 25 May 2013, 09:15

Gareth Roberts elected as a Fellow of the Royal Society

Professor Gareth Roberts, whose research on advanced methods in computational statistics is enormously influential, has been recognised by the Royal Society through election as a Fellow:
New Fellows of the Royal Society announced for 2013

Many congratulations to Gareth!!

Fri 03 May 2013, 10:20

Tom Nichols has won a Wellcome Trust Senior Research Fellowship to develop methods for meta-analysis of brain imaging data

The 5-year, £1.1m project is titled "Transforming statistical methodology for neuroimaging meta-analysis" and will fund Dr. Nichols and 2 PDRA's, one in Statistics and one at the Institute of Digital Healthcare in the Warwick Manufacturing Group. The project will develop advanced statistical and informatics method to handle the ever-growing volume of published neuroimaging research. It will create methods that make the best use of the meagre brain coordinate data currently reported in published studies, as well build neuroinformatics tools to facilitate data-sharing and reduce errors and data-loss when publishing brain imaging results.

Wed 24 Apr 2013, 15:07

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