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Wilfrid Kendall has won an EPSRC grant to develop the fundamental probability technique of coupling

The grant, EP/K013939/1 "Probabilistic coupling and nilpotent diffusions" will fund a probability PDRA in Statistics for 3 years, and has value £294233.

Mon 22 Apr 2013, 18:53

Julia Brettschneider, Wilfrid Kendall, and Thomas Nichols have won an EPSRC grant to develop statistics for 3-d printing

The grant, EP/K031066/1 "Inside-out: Statistical methods for Computed Tomography validation of complex structures in Additive Layer Manufacturing" is held together with WMG colleagues Mark Williams and Greg Gibbons as well as three industrial partners. It will fund a PDRA in Statistics for three years, and has value £498109. It concerns Additive Layer Manufacturing (ALM, or "3-d printing"), which develops products directly from their digital design data by the layer-wise addition of material. Our ambition is to develop effective process control based on Computed Tomography data.

Mon 22 Apr 2013, 18:52

Congratulations to Wilfrid Kendall

On being awarded the Degree of Doctor of Science at Warwick.

Thu 18 Apr 2013, 15:35

Congratulations to Axel Finke

Axel won first prize for his presentation at the Research Students Conference.

Thu 11 Apr 2013, 16:44

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