Models and Inference in Population Genetics IV: Fragmentation-coalescence and related models
University of Warwick, 15–18 April 2024

This workshop, held in association with CRiSMLink opens in a new window, is the fourth of series of earlier events held in 2012Link opens in a new window, 2015Link opens in a new window, and 2019Link opens in a new window. For this edition there will be an additional theme of fragmentation and coalescence, in association with the EPSRC project "Random fragmentation-coalescence processes out of equilibriumLink opens in a new window".
Stochastic coalescence and fragmentation models respectively describe how blocks of mass randomly join together and break apart over time according certain rules of random evolution. These models are important in fields including physical chemistry, ecology, and population genetics – where coalescence and fragmentation underlie widely studied genealogical processes. The aims of this workshop are to bring together researchers in probability and statistics working in all aspects of fragmentation, coalescence, genealogy, and genetic inference.
Please register your attendance using the link to the right-hand side before 22 March 2024. A full programme is available.
Zeeman Building
University of Warwick
Coventry CV4 7AL
United Kingdom
- Amandine Véber (CNRS, Université Paris Cité) – "Stochastic models of genealogies in spatially structured populations"
Emmanuel Schertzer (University of Vienna) – "Coagulation equations and coalescent models"
Confirmed speakers
- Ellen Baake (Bielefeld)
- Alison Etheridge (Oxford)
- Martina Favero (Stockholm)
- Adrian Gonzalez Casanova (UNAM, UC Berkeley)
- Simon Harris (Auckland)
- Asger Hobolth (Aarhus)
- Sam Johnston (King's College London)
- Jere Koskela (Newcastle)
- Apolline Louvet (Munich)
- Juan Carlos Pardo (CIMAT)
- Matteo Ruggiero (Turin)
- Aurélien Tellier (Munich)
Poster session
There will be a poster reception on the afternoon of 15 April, taking place in the atrium of the Mathematical Science Building. Attendees are encouraged to submit a poster abstract using the form to the right of this page.
Organising committee
- Paul JenkinsLink opens in a new window, University of Warwick
- Andreas KyprianouLink opens in a new window, University of Warwick
- Tim RogersLink opens in a new window, University of Bath
- Dario SpanòLink opens in a new window, University of Warwick