Models and Inference in Population Genetics
This temporary page contains supporting material for the lectures of the mini-course on "Models and Inference in Population Genetics" held in Bocconi University in October 2021.
Please contact me at for any questions.
Times of lectures
- Tuesday 12 October: 1500-1700
- Thursday 14 October: 1500-1700
- Friday 15 October: 1500-1700
- Tuesday 19 October: 1500-1700
- Thursday 21 October: 1500-1700
- Friday 22 October: 1500-1700
All lectures are in room 3-E4-SR03 or on zoom.
Slides of day 1 (Tuesday 12 October 2021)
Slides of day 2: popgen slides; primer on Markov chains slides
Supplementary notes