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Mengchu Li

I started my postdoc position in February 2023 and this is my new webpage.

I was a PhD student in the Warwick Maths and Stats CDT programme, supervised by Professor Yi YuLink opens in a new window. I defended my thesis 'Contributions to robustness, local differential privacy and change point analysis' in April 2023. Previously, I obtained my master's degree in Mathematical Statistics from the Univeristy of Cambridge in 2019, and bachelor's degree in Mathematics and Economics from Durham University in 2018.

Research Interests:

change point analysis, high-dimensional statistics, robust statistics and differential privacy.

    Publication and preprints


    I have led tutorials/labs for the following modules:

    ST220 Introduction to Mathematical Statistics, ST221 Linear Statistical Modelling, ST104 Statistical Laboratory.


    I contributed to the R package changepoints.


    It has been a pleasure to attend the following:

    NeurIPS 2022 (with Scholar award), ICORS 2022, IMS Annual Meeting 2022, ISNPS 2022, Structural Breaks and Shape Constraints workshop 2022, NeurIPS 2021, StatScale workshop 2021


    I have reviewed for Bernoulli, Biometrika, NeurIPS and Journal of the American Statistical Association.



    MSB 4.14