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BSc Data Science: Frequently asked questions

About the courses:

Why would I choose Data Science rather than MathStat, MORSE, Mathematics or Computer Science?

Data Science at Warwick exploits the strength and high reputation of those other well-established courses. It provides a blend of study and training that is not only uniquely tailored to the increasingly high-demand from employers for data scientists, but also to the interests and aptitudes of mathematically able students who are keen to engage with solving real-world challenges in a data-driven manner. It is perfectly possible to secure a graduate job as a data scientist without having taken one of our Data Science courses: any of the other courses mentioned here would also be very attractive to the same employers. But our Data Science courses are the only ones of these courses to provide systematically the combination of mathematical, statistical and computing expertise that is so much in demand at present, and that demand will keep increasing in the foreseeable future.

Will employers know about Data Science?

Certainly! The demand for data scientists is currently insatiable in just about every area of the industry, technology, commerce, finance, science, government, and academic research. Graduates of Warwick's Data Science courses will be specialists, trained to an exceptionally high level in both statistics and computer science. They will graduate with a unique combination of knowledge and skills that is both massively in demand and in very short supply.

Will the Data Science courses be recognised by leading graduate schools?

Yes. The core elements, statistics and computer science, are two of Warwick's strengths and are recognised as such worldwide. Their combination is reflected increasingly in MSc and PhD programmes at leading universities. The training we provide opens up a very wide array of possibilities for further study.

Is it possible to take an intercalated year?

Yes. Many students have enjoyed this option. If you opt for an intercalated year it takes place after your second year, so when you come back you will be in your final year at Warwick. The benefits of spending an intercalated year in industry provides you with the opportunity i) to gather in-depth experience which helps in making decisions about later career choices, and ii) to build up contacts and open doors for finding a job after graduation. The Careers Office offers support in planning such a year. Alternatively, spending a year at an overseas university provides a unique opportunity to get to know a different education system and to widen your horizons by living in a different culture and acquiring a foreign language.

Are the Data Science courses single honours or joint honours?

The Data Science courses at Warwick are coherent, single honours degree programmes, organised jointly by the Department of Statistics and the Department of Computer Science.

Is there a 4-year integrated masters version of Data Science?

Yes. Please see our Data Science courses page.

You can change between the 3- and 4-year versions of the course until the beginning of the third year. Progression to the integrated master’s is subject to academic performance, and a transfer from the third to fourth year versions may additionally require appropriate module choice, in particular in the second year. We recommend you discuss this with your personal tutor once you are here and discuss the course handbooks.

Overseas students will need to make changes to their visa when changing their degree course and in some cases (e.g. changing from a three-year to a four-year course), apply for a new visa from their home country. For updates and details on the process and deadlines, consult the Immigration OfficeLink opens in a new window.

For EU students, due to Brexit, there have been changes to fees and the right to reside in the UK from 2021/22. Please consult the Immigration OfficeLink opens in a new windowfor more information.

Where can I find lists of modules I would be able to take in the course?

Section 2 of our Data Science Course Handbook provides details on the core and optional modules you can take during the course.

Application and admissions:

Do I need A-level Computing?

No. We do not require or assume any previous formal training in computing. Clearly essential, though, is a strong interest in learning about computer science (including programming, data structures, etc.) at university level.

I am wondering how best to present my UCAS Personal Statement because some/most of the other courses I am considering are straight Maths or straight Computer Science. What advice can you give?

Don't worry! We realise that if you apply for Data Science at Warwick then your other applications will most likely be for courses elsewhere with different aims. If your personal statement emphasises mainly or exclusively Maths or Computer Science, for example, that's fine. When we read your personal statement we look mainly for evidence of mathematical interest and a strong commitment to study, as well as broader interests. Consider also our further advice about personal statements.

I am interested in all of Data Science, Mathematics and Statistics and MORSE. Should I apply for more than one of these?

No. You should apply to just Mathematics and Statistics. Admission criteria are similar for these three courses and, subject to places being available, it is normally possible to change your registration at any time up to arrival at Warwick. However, please note that, for 2024 entry, it is not possible to transfer into Mathematics and Statistics but it is possible to transfer from Mathematics and Statistics to MORSE or Data Science. If you receive an offer, this could be a suitable topic for discussion at one of our offer-holder visit days.

What kind of conditional offer can I expect?

We aim to make conditional offers that can be met in a variety of ways, but all with clearly demonstrated ability in Mathematics as a core element. The precise offer made will depend on the qualifications being taken by each applicant. Please check Information about typical current offers

Does it matter whether I apply before or after October 15th?

Not to us. We treat each application on its own merits, and the date of application is not one of our criteria. Applying very late in the UCAS season, though — close to the January deadline — is likely to be stressful for you!

What funding opportunities are there for students?

Information about bursaries and their eligibility for Home students can be found on the webpage Warwick USB 2016-2021 Entry - Student Funding - University of WarwickLink opens in a new window. The bursaries are not available for international students, but information about opportunities and eligibility for international students, including the new Warwick Global Excellence ScholarshipsLink opens in a new window.

Why should I do a STEP, TMUA, MAT or an AEA paper?

Students planning on entering any of our degrees are strongly encouraged to take a STEP, TMUA, MAT or an AEA paper, for reasons quite separate from our conditional offers. Mathematics at university is more complex and rigorous than mathematics in most schools. Any time that you spend preparing for such papers will help you with this transition. At the same time, after having practiced these harder questions, you should feel even more confident in answering standard A-level questions, thereby boosting your A-level performance. Last but not least, if you do very well on one these papers you may receive a reduced offer. For excellent results in STEP and TMUA we even have a Warwick Statistics Undergraduate Entrance Prize.

What is a STEP, TMUA, MAT or an AEA paper, and how can I prepare for it?

More details about these papers are summarised on our STEP, TMUA , MAT and AEA, and UG Entrance Prizes website.

Will I be interviewed?

No. If you are offered a place you will be invited to take part in one of our offer-holder visit days. Our offer-holder visit days typically take place in March of each year.

After getting an offer:

(or, perhaps, before you even apply!)

Can you recommend some preparatory reading?

Many new students find that the mathematical parts of our degrees are surprisingly different from the sort of mathematics they have done previously at school. Reading through this book will help you make the transition to university level mathematics by gently (and humorously) introducing you to rigour and abstraction:

For an overview of data science and some major applications:

How else might I prepare for studying Data Science?

We do not assume any knowledge additional to what you have learned from the courses (A-level or alternative) you are currently studying. Nevertheless it is useful for you to have some programming experience, and for you to try solving some questions on the STEP past papers. The Data Science Taught CourseLink opens in a new window offered by the MEI is also good preparation.