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Raspberry Pi Resources

Raspberry Pi and Python

The Raspberry Pi is a compact affordable computer which can be used for DIY projects and for learning programming. The Pi provides rows of GPIO (General Purpose Input/Output) pins which can be used to interact with physical components, such as sensors and LEDs. This allows the development of projects which interact with the physical world through circuits.

Python is a widely spread programming language, and a popular choice among Pi users for learning programming and developing projects using the Raspberry Pi. It can be used to program the GPIO pins to read data from sensors and to act upon this data, commanding other circuit components.

These resources are made available freely by the Raspberry Pi Foundation, along with a wide array of other learning resources. The following worksheets introduce how to use of several affordable physical components which can be used in creative projects using the Pi.

Activity Resources
LEDs and Buttons




Traffic Lights


Light-dependent Resistor (LDR)


Passive Infrared Motion Sensor (PIR)


Ultrasonic Distance Sensor


Sonic Pi

Sonic Pi is a programming environment which can be used to compose music using code. It even allows music to be generated and edited live! It is powerful and easy to use, and it is a great way of learning and teaching computing and music theory.
Sonic Pi is an open source project, developed by Sam Aaron and the Sonic Pi Core Team, and made freely available along with plenty of examples and resources for teachers and learners at There, it can be downloaded for the Raspberry Pi, macOS, Windows and Linux.

The software comes with a built-in friendly tutorial which introduces how several features can be used. From there, anyone can crate their own unique music!

Additionally, the Raspberry Pi Foundation website provides a Getting Started Guide for anyone looking to start using Sonic Pi, as well as a Lesson Plan for teachers looking to use the software to deliver their lessons.

These resources were created by Tudor Cismarescu in 2017, during a WMG Internship.