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Brockwell Junior School


The inspiration for our Doctor Who-style scarf was Delia Derbyshire. Delia was born in Coventry in 1937. She was the first person to create fully electronic soundtrack - the Doctor Who theme tune. Delia grew up in Coventry during World War II, and if you listen closely to the music, you can hear the air raid sirens that she heard. Tom Baker played the 4th incarnation of the doctor and he wore a long, colourful scarf.

A scarf over 4 metres long made of pieces of blue, brown, red and yellow felt with patterns embroidered onto them.

The children's thoughts

“I enjoyed the freedom of the project.”  

“I have learned to work with somebody that I do not usually work with.”  

“We learned how to change the stitch on Turtlestitch. We learned how to make a curve. And we also learnt how to add and make a variable." 

“On Turtlestitch I found getting the perfect curve for the fangs on the mouth difficult.” 

“I found out I was more resilient than I had thought.” 

“When you mess up you just don’t get frustrated you try again.”