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Vehicle and Power Simulation

Activity Overview

This activity gives an introduction into java programming using the freely available Greenfoot software development environment. It uses a 2D simulation scenario where vehicles can be programmed to search for power. (This activity is based on the Wombat scenario in Greenfoot)

In order to take an active part in this activity, you need access to a computer where you can install the Greenfoot software we will be using. There are versions of Greenfoot for Windows computers, Apple computers and Ubuntu/Linux. The download and installation process can take a bit of time, so please do complete these steps before the day of the activity.

These are the sequence of steps to complete for this workshop.
1. Download Greenfoot + Scenario

a) Visit
and follow the download instructions
for your computer.
b) Click here to download the VehiclePower
scenario, then uncompress the file and store
it on your computer.

2. Workshop Introduction

3. Using Greenfoot + Scenario

4.1 Move 2 squares

4.2. Turn Right

4.3 Power Management

4.4 Improvements

5. Summary

We hope you have enjoyed the workshop today and gained an insight into how programming can create simulation scenarios. If you wish to see some of the actual research WMG is undertaking - 3xD Simulator in WMG gives an introduction as to how the 3xD Simulator is used in WMG.