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Airlift - Dr Karen Kudar

Meet the Academic

What would be your dream research project?

It would be to have time and resources to new ways of being creative with maths. Its a very under-researched topic and I would love to find new ways to get people to love maths."

To learn more about Karen and her journey:

Bringing Science to Life

How does airlift work?

We learn some basics about rules that fluids follow like they go from high pressure to low pressure. We then apply this knowledge to explain how an aircraft wing flies. We see how mathematics can be applied by using the lift equation to increase lift on a heavier aerofoil.

Karen Demo

Resources to download:

Do it at home instructionsLink opens in a new window

Teachers PowerPoint

Airlift Demonstrator Video:

Bringing Science to Life resources were created by intern: Aamir Sarpal