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Katerina Gonos

Katerina Gonos

Katerina Gonos - Graduate Development Programme - Success story.

Since completing the graduate scheme, what are you doing now?

After finishing the scheme, I moved straight into a Project Engineer role with the same group I completed my final placement in, working on two projects- one of which is a continuation of my work on the scheme. I will soon finish my work on these and move onto another project within the same group.

How did the graduate scheme prepare you for your career as a Project Engineer?

My day-to-day work is very similar projects I completed while on the scheme; so various aspects of battery assembly and testing, so in this way the practical skills have come in very useful and allowed me to start meaningful work straightaway in my new role. Beyond this lab training, the scheme also familiarised me with other processes and procedures followed in WMG and allowed me to build a network of connections.

Scheme Highlights

One of the biggest highlights has been the social aspect of the scheme- both with the other grads, who are all in the same boat as you are, and also with the many colleagues you come into contact with over the two years. Additional opportunities, such as modules and outreach, give you the chance to expand your network even more; I have found everyone I have met to be very friendly and really supportive, allowing me a flexibility in the experiences I have which I don’t think I would have found so abundantly elsewhere.

Any advice to prospective applicants

The scheme works really well if, like me, your future plans or area/s of interest are more general, and you’re keen to have a range of experiences to help narrow down where you would like to go in future. Even if you are more decided in what you want to do, the scheme can expose you to work you may not have previously considered; for example, one of my favourite placements was, unexpectedly, in project management. The wide spectrum of work done here at WMG also means you shouldn’t be too concerned if your experience is not an exact fit- just come in with enthusiasm about the area and an open mind.