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Luke Garland

Luke Garland

Job title: Digital Healthcare Science Degree Apprentice
Organisation: Prior's Court
Course: Digital Healthcare Science

Why did you decide to do a degree apprenticeship?

I chose to study for a degree apprenticeship as it offers a unique opportunity to learn from a number of cross discipline professionals, while simultaneously gaining experience in a unique workplace environment, where these skills can be applied from day one.

What interests you about Digital Healthcare

Digital healthcare interests me as it is the future of healthcare and support. It encompasses a range of new and innovative technologies that will allow both patients and providers greater insight into the patient’s well-being and assist in providing more efficient, informed and individualised care while giving people far more control over the everyday management over their own health.

Briefly describe your role

At Prior's Court I will be working with a team on a new platform called Prior Insight, looking predominantly at the data that lies behind complex conditions. Prior Insight is a recording and reporting system that will allow information to be easily collected and collated to enable us to track the young people’s progress and inform ways in which we can improve the lives of people with severe autism.

What are you looking forward to?

I am most looking forward to the range of placements that the apprenticeship provides so that I can have a clear picture of just how much of a difference digital platforms can make to improving the well-being of the young people and practices across the organisation.

In regards to the course, I am most excited to learn about the future of healthcare technologies from professionals at the top of their respective fields, and how a fusion science approach can be applied to improve how healthcare is provided.

What’s the best piece of advice you could give someone thinking about doing a degree apprenticeship?

The best piece of advice I could give someone considering a degree apprenticeship is to research the opportunity and utilise the information available, and don’t be afraid to enquire and ask questions to find the right role for you. It can be tough to study and work simultaneously, however, if you find the right role it can be an immensely rewarding experience, and one where the staff will help support you all the way.

Find out more about our Digital Healthcare Science or other Degree Apprenticeships we offer.

"I am most excited to learn about the future of healthcare technologies from professionals at the top of their respective fields."