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WMG hosts visit from Janice Munday CBE, Department for Business, Innovation and Skills

Janice Munday CBEOn Wednesday 24th September, WMG was pleased to host a visit from Janice Munday CBE, Director of Advanced Manufacturing and Services at the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills.

Meeting with Lord Bhattacharyya, Ms Munday was keen to hear how WMG develops partnerships with a range of industrial organisations and the significant economic benefits of such partnerships. She was also interested to understand the breadth of research undertaken by WMG, as the leading university centre for advanced manufacturing, towards development of innovation in manufacturing and the work in low carbon mobility delivered through the WMG centre High Value Manufacturing Catapult.

Janice Munday, CBE (2)Ms Munday also had the opportunity to take a tour of WMG’s impressive manufacturing R&D facilities including: the Battery Materials Pilot Line and the Vehicle Energy Facility within the Energy Innovation Centre, materials lightweighting projects in the International Manufacturing Centre, and the new polymer processing facilities within the International Institute for Nanocomposites Manufacturing. Ms Munday also had an opportunity to see the site of the National Automotive Innovation Centre, due to open in 2016.