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Let's Talk Driverless Technology

Prof Paul JenningsProfessor of Experiential Engineering, Paul Jennings is pleased to be representing WMG at the Driverless Technology Conference and Exhibition (DTCE’15) on Monday (23 November) in London.


DTCE’15 will welcome around 300 delegates from across the entire driverless supply chain, and experts will explore the key issues in a mix of live demonstrations, seminars and workshops.

Professor Jennings will present ‘A Driver-in-the-Loop Simulator for Connected and Autonomous Vehicles’ in a special technical workshop alongside colleagues from Cranfield University, University of Coventry and the University of Leeds.

The concept of autonomous or "driverless" vehicles promises many benefits for future transport but also brings significant challenges. We have started to see the first steps towards autonomy in the market with product features such as automatic parking and emergency braking systems, as well as many automotive OEMs producing working prototypes of fully autonomous vehicles. However, there are considerable challenges to be overcome before fully autonomous vehicles move from concept to commercialisation. For more information on WMG’s research visit

For more information on the conference visit

About Professor Jennings

Professor Jennings has been involved in research with the automotive industry for over 20 years and now leads work in Experiential Engineering and also on hybrid and electric vehicle technologies and the factors affecting their successful introduction. He has been principal investigator for over 20 research grants and awards, worth over £5.5m, and has authored over 70 research publications.