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Supporting SET for Britain’s Engineering Award

SET for Britain 2016For the third year running WMG has sponsored the SET for Britain awards, and this year was delighted to present PhD student Thomas Rogers with the silver Engineering Award.

Thomas, a student at University College London, and originally from Banbury, beat off stiff competition from over 50 other hopefuls, to receive the award for his innovative engineering project on cargo inspection which also earned him a £2,000 prize.

Thomas presented a poster about his research into automating and streamlining cargo inspection to MPs, peers and a panel of expert judges.

Thomas said: “Although it was very tough and highly intense, I've thoroughly enjoyed this competition. The organisers, MPs and other researchers were all extremely friendly people, and it's been a pleasure to present my research at the House of Commons.”

SET for Britain aims to help parliamentarians understand more about the UK’s thriving science and engineering base and rewards some of the strongest scientific and engineering research being undertaken in the UK.


WMG’s Chairman, Professor Lord Bhattacharyya, said: “WMG is delighted to sponsor the SET for Britain engineering awards for 2016. Britain needs an economy built on technical innovation, improved productivity and long-term investment, it is crucial that we support innovative research which has the potential to change the way we live. The research being presented shows the great potential in the work of early career scientists in the UK.


“At WMG, we have focused on the practical applications of the highest quality scientific research for over 35 years, driving innovations in fields as diverse as battery technology and healthcare. In the future, the engineers presenting today can make a similar impact on our society. We are proud to support their efforts, and the work of SET for Britain, Stephen Metcalfe MP and the Parliamentary and Scientific Committee in bringing together scientists and parliamentarians to demonstrate how engineering research can improve lives, grow the economy and build a stronger society.”

Stephen Metcalfe MP, Chair of the Parliamentary & Scientific Committee said: “This annual competition is an important date in the parliamentary calendar because it gives MPs an opportunity to speak to a wide range of the country’s best young researchers.

“These early career engineers, mathematicians and scientists are the architects of our future and SET for Britain is politicians’ best opportunity to meet them and understand their work.”

For more information on SET for Britain visit

Wed 30 Mar 2016, 12:13 | Tags: Research Degrees Education