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The Future of Living Spaces – free invitation to sixth form students

We’ve joined forces with our friends at Warwick Engineering Society to offer free places to sixth form pupils at the ‘Colony: The Future of Living Spaces’ conference, on Wednesday 8th November.

The conference, run by students from Warwick’s School of Engineering, is specifically aimed at sixth form pupils who are interested in pursuing a career in engineering or science.

The event will share interesting ideas and projects that scientists are currently working on taking you on an exhilarating journey starting underground, towards the surface, and beyond the clouds!

It will address key issues including how the Earth’s limited resources and growing populations will shape the Earth in the next 100 years, and where and how humans will live.

Places are limited. To book please contact Stacey Neal ( The event will run from from 1.30pm to 8.00pm, but schools are free to leave at any convenient point in the event.

For more information visit:

Fri 27 Oct 2017, 11:10 | Tags: STEM Education Public engagement