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CADE 2021 - Call for Special Sessions

Competitive Advantage in the Digital Economy
CADE 2021

Sustainability, Resilience, and Trust and Privacy

Call for Special Sessions
2nd - 3rd June 2021, Online (Virtual Venice)

Venice, italy

Competitive Advantage in the Digital Economy 2021 (CADE 2021)

Returning for its seventh year in 2021, CADE will be held on the 2nd and 3rd June 2021. While CADE has always been held in Venice, due to the current climate we are conducting the 2021 event in an online format – Virtual Venice. Details of the format can be found on the website, linked below.

CADE 2021 aims to provide opportunities for academics and practitioners to share the latest research and practice on topics related to the research themes of Sustainability, Resilience and Trust & Privacy. Participants will be able to present in a friendly environment where emphasis is on discussion and development of the proposed work. There are awards for best paper and best developmental paper with the latter being for ECRs and PhD students.

Call for Special Sessions

We welcome proposals for special sessions that are in the broad area of Digital Economy or the research themes of Sustainability, Resilience, Trust & Privacy. We particularly encourage submissions that cover digital enhanced services, transport and mobility, smart manufacturing, machine learning techniques, responsive manufacturing, personal data and platform ecosystems.

Like the main conference, special sessions could accept extended abstracts (2 pages) or full papers (6 papers). The review process for special sessions should be handled by the session organisers. All submissions should undergo a double, blind review process against the following criteria:

  • Topic suitability to the conference
  • Justification of the purpose
  • Appropriate theoretical background (where appropriate)
  • Robustness of the research methodology
  • Alignment between the findings/discussion and the objectives/purpose of the research
  • Relevance of the contributions to theory and practice

The conference proceedings will be published by the IET and will be available through the IET Digital Library and IEEE Xplore. The proceedings will be indexed through the major databases Scopus (Elsevier); Web of Science (Clarivate Analytics); ProQuest; NLM (US National Library of Medicine); and CrossRef.

Applications are welcomed from a range of disciplines, including the following: marketing, HR, operations and supply chain management, strategy, behavioural sciences, economics, philosophy of engineering and technology, information systems, computer science, and cyber security. We would particularly like to encourage submissions from scholars in the wider community including anthropologists, sociologists, data scientists and those from design disciplines interested in the digital economy.

All special session participants will be expected to pay the conference registration fee; see the conference website for details.

Application Process

Special session proposals should be submitted via the CADE 2021 website. Please submit a word document with the following information:

  • Title of special session
  • Session organisers
  • Background/motivation
  • Special session description (this will be used of the CADE website if application is successful)
  • Proposed duration and structure (i.e., expected number of papers/presentations)
  • Whether the session will be accepting both extended abstracts (2 pages) or full papers (6 pages).
  • How the special session will be promoted.

Please submit your special session through the CADE 2021 website (by using the paper template found here), which also has further details on the conference including registration costs, network events and keynote speaker bios.

Important Dates

Submission Deadline for track call: February 19th, 2021 at 23:59 AoE (Anywhere on Earth)
Track organisers notified of outcome: February 23rd 2021
Track Call Ready for Website: 26th February 2021

Submissions from participants for tracks and general sessions will then follow the dates set as follows, in line with the call for submissions:
Submission Deadline: March 26th, 2021 at 23:59 AoE (Anywhere on Earth)
Participants Notified: April 16th 2021
Registration Opens: April 16th 2021
Camera Ready Deadline: May 14th 2021
Registration Closes: May 14th 2021
Presentation Video Deadline (see CfS for details): May 19th 2021
Programme Announced: May 19th 2021
CADE 2021: 2-3 June, 2021

  • Observer (Must register to receive the links): Free;
  • Participant: £50;

