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CADE 2021 - Track Session Information

Competitive Advantage in the Digital Economy
CADE 2021

Sustainability, Resilience, and Trust and Privacy

Track Sessions Information
2nd - 3rd June 2021, Online (Virtual Venice)
1. Delivering DEAS outside manufacturing

Session organisers: Dr. Phil Godsiff and Dr. Zena Wood


The DEAS Network Plus aims to bring together a vibrant community that will position the UK as the internationally leading research hub for Digitally Enhanced Advanced Services.

Special session description:

Rather than focus on the product or service that is delivered, Digitally Enhanced Advanced Services (DEAS) focus on how the product or service is used. This is a major change in how firms earn money and is being enabled by transformative digital technologies. The adoption of DEAS and the use of servitisation are observed in the manufacturing industry. However, examples are beginning to be considered in other sectors and the DEAS Network is keen to explore how DEAS can be applied outside of manufacturing. The DEAS special session at CADE will focus on the relation between DEAS and the four themes of the conference (resilience, sustainability and trust & privacy) outside of manufacturing.

We are particularly interested in extended abstracts or full papers (6 pages) that explore how DEAS can or have been used:

  • To improve resilience,
  • To ensure sustainability,
  • The impact of trust and privacy in delivering DEAS that require personal data (e.g., in transportation and mobility),
  • Case studies of the use of DEAS outside manufacturing,
  • Barriers and opportunities for DEAS outside manufacturing,
  • How DEAS use data to improve outcomes for customers whilst maintaining privacy.

DEAS will accepted both extended abstracts and short papers.

2. Transforming the food production supply network

Session organisers: Prof Simon Pearson, Prof Jeremy Frey, Prof Gerard Parr, Prof Andrea Zisman, Prof Luc Bidaut


The Internet of Food Things Network Plus ( is building and nurturing an interdisciplinary community focused on transforming the resilience and effectiveness of the food production system through the application of new technologies and information sharing.

Session description:

Recent events have tested the resilience of the food production and supply system. Fortunately, digital methods offer a range of mechanisms to build up this resilience ahead of future disruptions and challenges. Overarching all of these however, is the climate crisis which is substantially framing how we design and build a carbon neutral, more equitable and sustainable food system that also addresses health and well-being issues, as well as food quality and security matters. Whilst digital technologies are helping deliver new products and services, success - also in the form of competitive advantage - will only occur with economically viable solutions that marry the technological services with appropriate business models.

We are interested in extended abstracts (2 pages) or full papers (6 pages) that explore key IoFT ( themes, such as:

  • The impact of Digital on resilience, efficiency and/or sustainability of the food system
  • Data trust frameworks, trusted data and privacy
  • Digitally enhanced and/or secured food supply systems, from production to distribution and consumption
  • Using ICT to improve information for the consumer

The session will accept both extended abstracts and full papers.