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South Australian Minister for Manufacturing and Innovation visits WMG

Dr Susan Close Jan 2015Today, WMG was pleased to host a visit from Dr Susan Close MP, Minister in the Government of South Australia. Dr Close is Minister for Manufacturing and Innovation as well as the newly created portfolio of Automotive Transformation.

Dr Close visited WMG as part of a research trip to key facilities in Europe, along with a delegation of government and business leaders from South Australia who hold an interest in advanced manufacturing and innovation.

Meeting with Professor Lord Bhattacharyya, Dr Close and the visitors were interested to understand the breadth of research undertaken by WMG, how the Group develops partnerships with industry and the significant economic benefits of such partnerships.

The visitors also undertook a tour of WMG’s impressive research facilities including the Energy Innovation Centre, the International Institute for Nanocomposites Manufacturing and research within the International Manufacturing Centre such as Product Evaluation Technologies and Lightweighting and systems engineering research in the International Digital Laboratory.

Visit to the Energy Innovation Centre Visit to Product Evaluation Technologies group Visit to International Institute for Nanocomposites Manufacturing

Wed 14 Jan 2015, 17:43 | Tags: Visits