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Getting to the heart of UK supply chain issues

Jan GodsellProfessor of Operations and Supply Chain Strategy, Jan Godsell, will be representing WMG at a special Westminster Food and Nutrition Forum in London, on Wednesday 27 April.

Professor Godsell will join other experts in the field to discuss priorities for the UK food supply chain including issues of integrity and assurance, and how best to ensure a fair price for suppliers to large supermarkets. Also up for discussion will be improving awareness, of and compliance with, the Groceries Supply Code of Practice.

The seminar will be chaired by Dr Paul Monaghan MP, Member, Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Select Committee, and Baroness Jenkin of Kennington, Co-chair, All-party Parliamentary Group on Agroecology for Sustainable Food and Farming.

For more information on the Forum visit:

Fri 22 Apr 2016, 15:57 | Tags: Supply Chains Jan Godsell Research