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Engineering students rev up for huge race at Indianapolis with podium finish in Purdue

go-kart EVGP Indianapolis 2012A group of engineering students from the University of Warwick are gearing up to race at one of the world’s most famous race tracks after finishing second in an enthralling warm-up race at Purdue University, Indiana.

The WMG sponsored team overcame numerous problems to get their self-designed and self-built electric go-kart over the finish line in second place at the Purdue University race track, and are hoping to go one better in the Electric Vehicle Grand Prix (EVGP) at Indianapolis on May 12.

Preparations for Indianapolis are well under way and the nine-strong team will be hoping for a smoother ride than they were afforded before their first race in Purdue.

The kart was due to be delivered to the team at Purdue University six days before their debut race but delays in customs left the team with just a matter of hours to make sure their kart was ready to race.

EVGP Indianapolis 2012Starting from second on the grid the Warwick team had an eventful race, as they dropped to last place due to mechanical faults, before speeding their way back up the pack to lead the race with just a few laps remaining.

But victory was to be denied as the Warwick kart crossed the line just seven seconds behind the race winners.

A podium finish at Purdue has given the team optimism that they can take victory at the world famous Indianapolis.

A full report on the exciting race at Purdue University can be found at:

Live updates of the team’s progress can be found via their Twitter feed @warwick_evgp. A daily blog by the team is published at

Tue 08 May 2012, 15:16 | Tags: Education Full-time Masters