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Sion Simon MP Visits WMG's International Digital Laboratory
Siôn Simon MP visited WMG's International Digital Laboratory in September. The Minister for Creative Industries at the Department for Culture, Media and Sport was welcomed by Professor Lord Bhattacharyya, Director of WMG, and toured the Digital Lab meeting Professor Sadie Creese, Director of e-Security, and Professor Lucy Hooberman, Director Digital Media and Innovation.
Mr Simon said "Just as we were at the forefront of the Industrial Revolution 200 years ago so we must be at the forefront of the digital revolution now.
"I believe we are certainly one of the better regions of the country in the likes of video games and web-based digital.
"Warwick's Digital Laboratory is fantastic - utterly amazing. It is something the like of which you won't see in the rest of the country or indeed most of the rest of Europe.
"It is cutting-edge thinking. We must always remember that digital is more than just media, albeit media is what tends to get talked about.
"It is all sorts of other things like manufacturing, security, and medical - helping to guide surgeons through operations.
"We are developing a world lead in terms of technologies and collaborations between academia and industry."