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WMG's Margot James and Professor David Greenwood respond to the news that Britishvolt will be establishing their UK headquarters and R&D centre in Warwickshire

WMG, at the University of Warwick, welcomes the news that Britishvolt will be establishing their UK headquarters and R&D centre on the MIRA technology park in Warwickshire.

This move underlines the Midlands region's role as the UK's leading innovator in battery technology, building on investments and expertise at WMG and the UKBIC.

WMG’s Executive Chair, Margot James, said: “The West Midlands has a strong position in battery research and innovation, and in the future we aim to take a key role in battery manufacturing. Britishvolt's recent announcement is further affirmation of the region's capability.”

Professor David Greenwood, CEO WMG centre HVM Catapult and Director of Industrial Engagement adds: “The establishment of large scale battery manufacturing in the UK is critical to retaining and growing the UK car industry. With such a facility in place, this opens up opportunities for both upstream and downstream supply chain companies.”

Fri 27 Nov 2020, 17:23 | Tags: HVM Catapult