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WMG Assistant Professors support EPSRC in ‘Manufacturing the Future’

Dr John Low and Dr Jerome Charmet have been appointed as members of EPSRC’s prestigious Early Career Forum in Manufacturing Research.

They will be tasked with establishing a community of early career academics to provide Theme Leaders at EPSRC with strategic advice to develop their themes in ‘Manufacturing the Future’. They will also act as a conduit for communication (with EPSRC), covering the broader community in manufacturing research both nationally and internationally.

Dr John LowDr John Low who works in WMG’s Energy Innovation Centre, explains: “I will share my vision of manufacturing science in energy storage to help accelerate the UK’s advances in fundamental electrochemistry through to application-driven programmes.”

Dr Jerome Charmet, who is based within the Institute of Digital Healthcare team said: “I will endeavour to bridge the gap between the Dr Jerome Charmetbiomedical/clinical sciences and the manufacturing communities, in particular in the area of micro and nanotechnologies.”

Katie Daniel, Head of the Manufacturing the Future Theme at EPSRC said: “The UK’s future international reputation in manufacturing research will be determined by the early career academics of today. The EPSRC Manufacturing the Future theme is committed to supporting our future leaders and the Early Career Forum in Manufacturing Research is an important aspect of our theme strategy.”

The appointments run for a three-year period until February 2021.