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Expert comment:Professor Carsten Maple

Carsten MapleProfessor Carsten Maple from the Cyber Security Centre at WMG at the University of Warwick is an expert on cyber systems engineering. He comments on the Tesco Bank security breach.

“We have learned of another high profile breach this morning – this time, Tesco Bank. As yet we know little of how the breach occurred, but what we do know is that a number of accounts were subjected to "online criminal activity" over the weekend, with "some cases" resulting in money being withdrawn fraudulently. Of course Tesco has stated it will refund money to those affected, but failed to answer two key questions: How did the breach occur and what about the impact and associated costs for those affected?

“For the first question, it may not be necessary to provide this answer today, but it will be important. Were card machines breached? Was there a human error either within Tesco or one of its partners? These questions will be important as they will determine the follow-up actions needed by Tesco and it customers.

Mon 07 Nov 2016, 12:36 | Tags: WMG Comments Cyber Security Centre Carsten Maple Research

Professor Carsten Maple appointed as Chair of Council of Professors and Heads of Computing UK

Professor Carsten Maple, WMGProfessor of Cyber Systems Engineering, Carsten Maple, from the Cyber Security Centre at WMG, University of Warwick has been appointed as the Chair of the Council of Professors and Heads of Computing UK (CPHC).

The Council of Professors and Heads of Computing aims to promote public education in computing and its applications, and to provide a forum for those responsible for management and research in university computing departments. Professor Maple has been the Vice-chair since 2014 and takes over the reins from Sally Smith.

Professor Maple comments: “There is widespread recognition that developing talent in Computing Sciences will play a vital role in the economic and societal development of the United Kingdom. The Council, through the committee and its membership of over 800 Professors and Heads of Department from over 100 institutions, will play a key role in providing this talent. I am proud to lead this effort over the next two years".

In his role at WMG, Professor Maple is also the director of the Cyber Security Centre working with organisations in key sectors such as manufacturing, healthcare, financial services and the broader public sector to address the challenges presented by today's global cyber environment.

Tue 26 Apr 2016, 11:50 | Tags: Cyber Security Centre Carsten Maple Research

WMG Professor Heads to India to Talk Cyber Security

CarstenMaple Professor of Cyber Systems, Carsten Maple will be representing WMG, University of Warwick at the International Conference on Cyberlaw, Cybercrime and Cybersecurity in New Delhi this Thursday (19 November).

Delegates from across the world will come together to hear experts in the field discuss the key issues including the need to create awareness of the new emerging kinds of #cybercrimes that are impacting all stakeholders in the digital and mobile ecosystem as well as current cyber law jurisdiction across world.


Wed 18 Nov 2015, 14:18 | Tags: Cyber Security Centre Carsten Maple Research

Professor Carsten Maple supports the announcement of new cyber security guidelines

Professor Carsten Maple, WMG Cyber Security CentreA consortium of industry, academia and government bodies have created cyber security learning guidelines which are to be embedded into BCS accredited UK Computer Science and IT-related degrees.

Cyber security understanding and knowledge is necessary to securely build the digital future and the IT infrastructure upon which the UK economy relies. These new guidelines directly address objective four of the Government’s National Cyber Security Strategy: “to equip the UK to have the cross-cutting knowledge, skills and capability it needs to underpin all our cybersecurity objectives”, the initiative will also address a severe skills shortage by introducing more people to the opportunity of pursuing a career within the cybersecurity profession.

Tue 30 Jun 2015, 10:10 | Tags: Cyber Security Centre Carsten Maple Research

Expert comment: Professor Carsten Maple

Carsten MapleProfessor Carsten Maple of the Cyber Security Centre at WMG/University of Warwick has provided his analysis of the news that repeat offenders of anti-Semitism on social media could be given prevention orders:

This week an All Party Parliamentary Group has suggested that repeat offenders of anti-Semitism on social media should be given prevention orders, as can be used for those convicted of sexual offences.

It is important to recognise that this is a serious issue. The number of reported cases of anti-Semitic content has increased recently, and it is likely a small fraction of the total number of cases. Hate crimes such as this, and other crimes such as cyberstalking, can have a considerable impact on victims and the ubiquitous nature of the Internet can mean there is little escape for victims and can ensure that it pervades all aspects of life, personal and professional. It is important that the law considers the impact a crime can have on the victim.

Tue 10 Feb 2015, 20:30 | Tags: WMG Comments Cyber Security Centre Carsten Maple Research

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