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Exploring UK and China initiatives at WMG

WMG was delighted to host a visit from Mark Wareing, Minister-Counsellor and Director for Advanced Manufacturing and Transport at UK Trade and Investment (UKTI), yesterday (Tuesday 26 July).

Mr Wareing met with Steve Raynor and Steve Fisher from WMG’s dedicated China Programmes Team, and colleagues from our Professional and Executive Programmes team to learn more about our world class education programmes. They were also joined by Professor Sujit Banerji and Dr Nick Mallinson to discuss UK and China initiatives.

Wed 27 Jul 2016, 12:25 | Tags: Visits

Leader of science and innovation in Singapore receives Honorary Doctorate from University of Warwick

Mr Lim Chuan Poh with Professor Lord Bhattacharyya at WMGThe chairman of Singapore’s leading public sector agency for scientific research, technological development, and economic growth has been awarded an Honorary Doctorate of Science by the University of Warwick.

Mr Lim Chuan Poh, who was appointed Chairman of The Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR) in 2007, received the award with an oration by Professor Lord Bhattacharyya, Chairman of WMG.

Since 2007, Mr Lim has Chaired A*STAR, Singapore's lead agency that spearheads research to advance scientific discovery, create innovative technology, further economic growth and improve lives both in knowledge-based, innovation-driven Singapore and internationally.

Tue 19 Jul 2016, 15:33 | Tags: Visits

World’s most adaptable simulator launch at WMG, University of Warwick

The world’s most adaptable vehicle simulator has been launched by WMG at the University of Warwick by Professor Dr Ralf Speth, Chief Executive Officer Jaguar Land Rover.

Professor Dr Ralf Speth, Professor Lord Bhattacharyya and Professor Paul JenningsThe EPSRC funded 3xD Simulator is one of the world's most adaptable and advanced driving simulators. It is the only simulator of its kind designed specifically to test real-world robustness and usability of smart, connected and autonomous vehicle technology. It will be the centre piece of the Virtual Reality Centre in the National Automotive Innovation Centre – a long term commitment between Jaguar Land Rover, WMG and Tata Motors European Technical Centre.

WMG’s vision is to recreate the world for an intelligent vehicle within the 3xD simulator, replicating complex driving scenarios, changing lighting conditions, communications interference or unexpected events, all in a safe and repeatable environment.

Thu 30 Jun 2016, 18:01 | Tags: Intelligent Vehicles NAIC Partnerships Visits Research

Rt. Hon Theresa May, MP Visits WMG

Professor Lord Bhattacharyya was pleased to welcome The Rt. Hon Theresa May MP, Home Secretary, to WMG today.

Professor Lord Bhattacharyya and Rt Hon Theresa MayProfessor Lord Bhattacharyya gave an overview of WMG research and development, and the impact that this has on society and the economy.

Theresa May, was then introduced to Professor Tim Watson, Director of WMG’s Cyber Security Centre.

Professor Watson was able to highlight the work of WMG’s fascinating E-CRIME Project which looks to develop an economic model to measure the impact of cybercrime in various industry sectors, managing and deterring cybercrime as well as the need to develop concrete, sector-specific controls and counter-measures.

Wed 22 Jun 2016, 17:47 | Tags: Visits

Shadow Secretary of State for Education visits WMG

Lucy Powell MPProfessor Lord Bhattacharyya was pleased to welcome Lucy Powell MP, Shadow Secretary of State for Education to WMG.

Ms Powell was interested to learn more about WMG’s education programmes, particularly how we collaborate with industry to deliver these.

Lucy Powell MP with Prof Paul JenningsAfter meeting with Professor Lord Bhattacharyya, Ms Powell was given a tour of the Group’s R&D facilities. Starting in the International Manufacturing Centre’s Engineering Hall with Professor Jennings, they discussed WMG’s research into smart and connected vehicles. Ms Powell heard about how the team produced a laser scan of 30 miles of Coventry roads to test driverless pods through a research project with RDM. She also had the opportunity to speak with Engineering Doctorate researchers Joseph Smyth and Robert Courtney. Ms Powell then met with undergraduates working on national and international student competitions including Formula student, Warwick Rail Challenge and Warwick Sub.

Wed 27 Apr 2016, 09:49 | Tags: Visits

Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills offically opens Energy Innovation Centre at WMG

Rt Hon Sajid Javid MP opens the Energy Innovation CentreThe Rt Hon Sajid Javid MP Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills visited WMG, University of Warwick on Thursday 10th March to formally open the new £50m Energy Innovation Centre, the largest of its kind in Europe.

WMG is the largest manufacturing group in the world with 700 staff and an annual programme of £180m. The Energy Innovation Centre is one of seven R&D centres on the Warwick campus and is a key part of the WMG centre High Value Manufacturing Catapult activity.

The Energy Innovation Centre is a centre for world-class innovation for the development of new battery chemistries. It is at the forefront of research, providing guidance and technical know-how in three key areas of Energy Storage; Energy Management; and Complex Electrical Systems.

Thu 10 Mar 2016, 14:22 | Tags: Visits

BIS Director General for Business and Science Visits WMG

Professor lord Bhattacharyya with Gareth DaviesProfessor Lord Bhattacharyya was pleased to welcome Gareth Davies, Director General, Business and Science, at the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS) to WMG.

Mr Davies was interested to learn more about WMG’s research, particularly how it collaborates with industry to create innovative products.

After meeting with Professor Lord Bhattacharyya, Mr Davies was given a tour of the Group’s R&D facilities which include the Energy Innovation Centre (EIC), led by Principal Engineer Mark Amor-Segan. The EIC includes a battery characterisation laboratory, aggressive testing chambers and an electric/hybrid drives test facility, and Mark was able to highlight some of the hybrid and electric vehicle battery research currently undertaken.

The tour then moved on to the International Manufacturing Centre’s Engineering Hall to Professor Jennings, where they discussed WMG’s research into smart and connected vehicles. Mr Davies heard about how the team produced a laser scan of 30 miles of Coventry roads to test driverless pods through a research project with RDM.

Thu 10 Mar 2016, 09:54 | Tags: Visits

WIN Annual Conference, 26 January 2016, University of Warwick

The West Midlands Health Informatics Network’s second annual conference will be held on 26 January 2016 at The Institute of Digital Healthcare (IDH) at WMG, University of Warwick. The conference will provide attendees with the opportunity to find out about innovation and research, share good practice and experiences, and network across health and care settings.

Mon 14 Dec 2015, 16:19 | Tags: Digital Lifecycle Management Visits

Professor Ravi Kant Shares Globalisation Experiences of Tata Motors

Prof Ravi KantProfessor Ravi Kant, former Vice Chairman and Managing Director of Tata Motors, delivered an enthralling seminar, The First Globalisation Experience of Tata Motors: Lessons for Emerging Markets, to a packed-out auditorium at WMG on Thursday (19 November).

The audience made up of staff and students listened intently to Professor Kant, who is also an Industrial Professor at WMG, explain the different approaches which can be taken to globalisation in the modern era. He also explored how the lessons learnt from different approaches can support emerging markets in driving growth through international business. In concluding his seminar Professor Kant shared 10 lessons learnt by Tata Motors which he believes are vital for success.


Fri 20 Nov 2015, 14:42 | Tags: NAIC Visits

MARA Visit at WMG

MARAProfessor Lord Bhattacharyya was pleased to welcome a delegation from The Majlis Amanah Rakyat (MARA), recently.

MARA is a government organisation in Malaysia formed to aid, train, and guide in business and industry by sponsoring students to study abroad. Also present were MARA Tech officials, MARA Tech is specifically responsible for the development of the Asia Aerospace City.

The purpose of the visit was to see how WMG can further collaborate, and explore the opportunity of supporting Masters and PhD students.


Wed 04 Nov 2015, 15:51 | Tags: Visits

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