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Year 1 lays the foundations for you to develop a deeper understanding of cyber space. You'll be studying topics such as software development, computer architecture, networks, operating systems and information risk management.

Year 2 will build on your knowledge and skills by giving you the chance to explore areas such software engineering, programming languages, human computer interaction, secure systems, managing and securing information, all with a cyber security theme.

Year 3 exposes you to advanced topics in cyber security. You'll also complete an individual project, where you will apply your skills and knowledge to an area of your choice under the supervision of our academics.

Essential information

Entry Requirements
A level: AAA (STEM subjects preferred)
IB: 36 points (STEM subjects preferred), with a minimum of 4 in English


Degree of Bachelor of Science (BSc)

3 years full time (30 weeks per academic year)

Tuition fees
Find out more about fees and funding

How to apply Undergraduate admissions