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Hear from Elise

Elise, BSc Cyber Security Class of 2024 Graduate

Why did you choose to study BSc Cyber Security at Warwick?

I chose to study BSc Cyber Security at Warwick because it is an NCSC certified course, which came highly recommended by several people I consulted with in the cyber security field. Initially, I was interested in digital forensics, but I felt it might be too niche if I didn’t enjoy it. Warwick’s course, which includes a digital forensics module, offered me the flexibility to explore this area without committing too early.

Why are you passionate about cyber security?

Cyber security is everywhere, touching every industry worldwide, which means there is always a cyber community to get involved with no matter where you are. The field is incredibly multifaceted, offering something for everyone. Even if you’re not into coding, there are roles focused on writing, legislation, and more, ensuring a place for everyone in cyber security.

Is there a cyber security myth that you’d like to debunk?

One myth I'd like to debunk is that everyone in cyber security sits in a dark room wearing a hoodie, just coding. In reality, cyber security encompasses many different roles and environments. Warwick's vibrant campus community reflects this diversity, and the cyber course embraces it fully.

What advice would you give to prospective students interested in studying your course?

Get stuck in! The course is small, so take the time to get to know your peers and lecturers. You never know what interests people have or where they might end up. This advice applies to your whole time at Warwick - participate in everything you can, make memories, and form unlikely friendships, as they often turn out to be the best ones.

Can you tell us one of your favourite memories of your time at Warwick?

One of my favourite memories is the first CyberWomen Conference during my second year. I was part of a team of six women hosting a national conference with over 190 attendees. It was a significant achievement that I hadn’t anticipated when I started the course, but it was an incredible experience that I wouldn’t change for the world.

What’s the best thing about the community at Warwick?

Its family-like atmosphere. You can strike up a conversation with anyone, whether they are students or staff. This openness leads to discovering fascinating behind-the-scenes aspects of Warwick, making it a truly engaging and supportive environment.

Who has had the most impact on you during your time at Warwick?

A member of the year above me has had the most significant impact. They have been an incredible role model, friend, and supporter. Given the size of the course, you get to know students from different years well. The peer support is fantastic and will stick with you as you all cross paths professionally.

What achievement are you most proud of?

I am most proud of my dissertation. It was a fantastic way to culminate my three years at Warwick, delving into a topic I was passionate about. The process allowed me to apply everything I had learned throughout the course and in my personal journey. I had excellent support from my supervisor, who was instrumental in my success.