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Transcript: Meet our alumni - Elise (2024)

Transcript: Meet our alumni - Elise (2024)

My favourite memory would probably be organising a national conference for two years in a row. It was such a huge thing to undertake but I think that the lessons that I’ve learnt throughout really enriched my Warwick experience and led to so many new people and so many amazing new things.

The main extracurricular that I was involved in was CyberWomen@Warwick. During my first and second year I was the External Communications Officer, and then in my final year I was actually the President of CyberWomen@Warwick and again that led to so many new opportunities, opened so many doors for me, and just led my Warwick experience really.

The piece of advice that I’d give to my younger self is probably just to be more confident in yourself. I know that coming into university, it’s such a scary and daunting experience, but I think taking it in your stride, everyone is in the same shoes as you, and so I think just getting yourself a little bit extra confidence to put yourself out there a bit more is definitely something my younger self needed to hear.

The future is a really daunting thing to think about. But I think a lot of the things that I’ve taken from my Warwick experience that I’m still doing moving forward. So I’ll be the branch manager for CyberWomenGroups CIC, which I’m then linking back to Warwick and I’m actually managing CyberWomen@Warwick, which is such a full circle moment! I will also be moving into a cyber security graduate position as well as becoming that branch manager role.